A grim campaign ahead Caption: "A grim campaign ahead--And the top of the Sutherland-Roe-Sullivan supported ticket in the Democratic primary battle ahead... |
A grim campaign ahead Caption: "A grim campaign ahead--And the top of the Sutherland-Roe-Sullivan supported ticket in the Democratic primary battle ahead... |
Accepts invitation Caption: "Accepts invitation--Mayor O'Dwyer smilingly accepts invitation from Dianne Oldham, 5, left, and Patricia Pierini, 3, to attend a... |
Acting mayor buys ticket Caption: "Acting mayor buys ticket--Vincent R. Impellitteri buys the first ticket for the 13th annual parade of stars of the... |
Aiding Brownsville boys Caption: "Aiding Brownsville boys--Mayor O'Dwyer accepts honorary chairmanship of a $150,000 campaign for clubhouse for... |
As they painted the town green Caption: "As they painted the town green--While the sons and daughters of Erin, 90,000 strong, marched up 5th Ave.,... |
At groundbreaking ceremonies Caption: "At groundbreaking ceremonies--Mayor O'Dwyer, right, and Dr. Edward M. Bernecker, Commissioner of Hospitals,... |
At the controls Caption: "At the controls--Mayor O'Dwyer takes over the operation of steam shovel at ground-breaking ceremonies for new building for Jewish Sanitarium... |
Banjo School under inspection Caption: "Banjo School under inspection--Mayor Wagner, center, inspects the nearly completed General George W.... |
Becomes friend for life Caption: "Becomes friend for life--Mayor O'Dwyer accepts plaque signifying his life membership in the Friends of St. Charles Hospital... |
Brownsville Boys Club Caption: "Abe Stark, left, is shown ... with TV singer Ziggy Lane, Judge Hy Barshay and Mayor Impellitteri for the annual dinner of... |
Come to the dinner Caption: "Come to the dinner--At City Hall ceremonies making Mayor O'Dwyer honorary president of the Navy Yard Boys Club, he also was extended a... |
Confident of victory Caption: "Confident of victory--Shown at Academy of Music Democratic rally, clasping hands in a gesture of solidarity and pre-election... |
Early bird gets choicest seats Four men in office (possibly the mayor's office at City Hall) posing for exchange of tickets. Caption on verso: "... |
Elsie Fells Caption: "Elsie Fells of 500 13th St., provides one of the informal scenes of the Sunday School parade by kissing Mayor LaGuardia. Looking on are... |
For Norwegian Hospital building fund Caption: "For Norwegian Hospital building fund--Mrs. Rosario P. San Filippo, co-chairman for the Bassini... |
Getting parade guests Caption: "Greeting parade guests--Mayor Impellitteri, left, and Borough President Cashmore, right, are greeted at traditional Montauk... |
Have a slice, Mr. Mayor Caption: "Have a slice, Mr. Mayor--Borough President Cashmore slices Mayor O'Dwyer a thick wedge of the borough's 300th birthday cake... |
Hearty congratulations Caption: "Hearty congratulations--Mayor O'Dwyer, right, congratulates Abe Stark, chairman of the board of directors of the... |
Hibernians to dine Caption: "Hibernians to dine--Mayor O'Dwyer receives an invitation to the annual dinner-dance of the Kings County board, Ancient Order of... |
Honor Mrs. O'Dwyer's memory Caption: "Honor Mrs. O'Dwyer's memory--A fully-equipped ambulance presented by a police department committee fo... |
Honor servicemen Caption: "Honor servicemen--A plaque honoring 68 members of the medical staff of the Jewish Hospital now in the armed services was unveiled... |
Honorary resident of boys' home Caption: "Honorary resident of boys' home--Mayor O'Dwyer, right, accepts card making him an honorary resident of... |
Honored Caption: "Honored--Mayor Impellitteri presents gavel at City Hall to Jerry Sander, 12, president of the self-governing council of the Pride Of Judea Children's... |
Honored Caption (SWEL 0554): "Honored--Mayor Impellitteri presents gavel at City Hall to Jerry Sander, 12, president of the self-governing council of the Pride Of... |
Initial invitation Caption: "Initial invitation--Committee members for annual communion breakfast of Kings County Chapter, Ancient Order of Hibernians, extend... |
Jewish Sanitariam and Hospital Caption: "Mayor O'Dwyer, who four years ago broke ground for the fourth unit of the Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital... |
Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital Caption: "Mayor Impellitteri has designated Sept. 23-30 as Chronic Diseases Week in honor of the Jewish... |
Jewish War Veterans Caption: "The 22d annual Military Ball of the Jewish War Veterans tonight in the Hotel St. George will climax J. W. V. Week. The week... |
Joseph G. Moriarty and Mayor O'Dwyer Caption: "Joseph G.Moriarty and Mayor O'Dwyer read a letter from Mayor John J. McCann of Dublin.... |
Laying cornerstone of new dispensary |
Mayor cuts the ribbon Caption: "Mayor cuts the ribbon, officially opening the Educational Institute and Community House of the Flatbush Jewish Center, 500... |
Mayor gets bid Caption: "Mayor gets bid--Mayor Impellitteri receives invitation from Grandpa Charles Levine, 87, left, and Grandma Chya Novack, 86, to dinner... |
Mayor Walker View of New York City mayor, Jimmy Walker, at cornerstone laying ceremony for Kings County Hospital. Image includes several other men, one a police... |
Mr. & Mrs. F. H. La Guardia New York Mayor Fiorello La Guardia standing with his wife behind bunting-draped railing during World Series game at Ebbets... |
New hospital Caption: "New hospital--Laying cornerstone for the new Brooklyn tuberculosis and Chronic Disease Hospital, Mayor O'Dwyer aplies the first trowel of... |