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50th anniversary of hot dog & roll

Young woman and man holding replica of large hot dog, man wearing cape standing behind them holding scepter...

And another 300 years!

Caption: "And another 300 years!--Jinx Falkenberg, radio artist (seated) and Gertrude McAllister, woman's page editor of the...


Caption: "Anniversary--Mrs. Walter V. Cranford, right, who, with late husband, presented borough with Rose Garden, cuts cake on 25th anniversary of...

Anniversary Day Parade

Close-up view of a young woman and three small girls, all wwearing Norwegian costumes, participating in the Sunday school...

Anniversary Day, 1868 and 1934

Caption: "Anniversary Day, 1868 and 1934--Two of the 120 Sunday School parades Brooklyn has held since 1829 when the...

Anniversary tea

Caption: "Anniversary tea--The Women's Auxiliary to the Medical Society of Kings celebrated its 11 years of service on Tuesday. Shown, left to...

At 100th anniversary

Caption: "At 100th anniversary--Mrs. Frank C. Sherer, Mrs. Morrison Pretz, president, Mrs. Merrill N. Foote, and Mrs.John VanPelt Lassoe (...

At architects' golden jubilee

Caption: "At architects'golden jubilee--Taking time out from the festivities at the 50th anniversary celebration of...

Backward look

Caption: "Backward look--Over 75 years of history at Prospect Heights Hospital School of Nursing is being shared by Mrs. James M. Hills, in 26th year...

Birthday party

Caption: "Birthday party--Left to right, Mrs. John L. Bauer, president of Urban [Club], Mrs. Mary W. Banker, general luncheon chairman, and Mrs....

Boys club jubilee

Caption: "Boys club jubilee--Celebrating 50th anniversary of Flatbush Boys Club at annual dinner dance in Hotel St. George are, left to right...

Broadcast confab

Caption: "Broadcast confab--Getting together on a WBYN anniversary program are, left to right, Borough President Cashmore, Henry J. Davenport,...

Brooklyn centenary celebration

Two exterior views, in different sizes, of workmen erecting reviewing stands at Borough Hall for the Brooklyn...

Cake, anyone?

Caption: "Cake, anyone?--Norman H. Free, general manager of the Hotel St. George, remembered Brooklyn's 306th birthday came on Thursday, so he had a...

Commemorate borough landmarks

Caption: "Commemorate borough landmarks--In connection with Brooklyn's tercentennial anniversary on June 12, Borough...

Diamond jubilee

Caption: "Diamond jubilee--Mrs. James M. Hills, president of the Prospect Heights Hospital board of trustees, cuts the cake at 75th anniversary...

Edwin Soffing and Joan Lou

Caption: "Edwin Soffing and Joan Lou pose in their nutty Dutch costumes for the candid cameraman at yesterday's 107th...

Fancy icing on hospital cake

Caption: "Fancy icing on hospital cake--In honor of Long Island College Hospital's 90th anniversary, staff nurses adorn...

Fifth anniversary party

Caption: "Fifth anniversary party--Mrs. Ethelbert A. Callaghan, president of the Women's Auxiliary of the Brooklyn Hospital,...

For boro's birthday

Caption: "For boro's birthday--Borough President Cashmore cuts a cake baked to commemorate the 301st birthday of Brooklyn. It was...

Graham Home for Old Ladies celebrates 100th anniversary

Caption: "Graham Home for Old Ladies celebrates 100th anniversary--At...

Hailing Brooklyn

Caption: "Hailing Brooklyn--Edwin B. Wilson, executive editor of the Brooklyn Eagle, takes part in the 'Hi, Jinx!' program broadcast from the...

Happy birthday to us

Caption: "Happy birthday to us--Borough President Cashmore applies his signature--in chocolate icing--to a cake proclaiming that today is...

Happy birthday!

Caption: "Happy birthday!--Naomi Hoffman, 4, Victoria Dumbrowski, 22 months, and Jerry Nierenberg, 16 months, patients in the out-patient cerebral...

Have a slice, Mr. Mayor

Caption: "Have a slice, Mr. Mayor--Borough President Cashmore slices Mayor O'Dwyer a thick wedge of the borough's 300th birthday cake...

He sings, too!

Caption: "He sings, too--Borough President Cashmore, third from left, is shown caroling a chorus with WABC's Landt Trio after being a guest star on...

Historic occasion

Caption: "Historic occasion--Borough President Cashmore, left, receives congratulations and a replica of Brooklyn's first flag from Manhattan...

Land ahead

Caption: "Land ahead--Two comely voyagers, Jeanne Gernhardt of 1819 Avenue S and Pat Slowey of 3044 32d St., Astoria, who helped rediscover Brooklyn, sight...

Mark anniversary

Caption: "Major and Mrs. Benjamin Namm were given a surprise wedding anniversary party last night at the Hotel Bossert. The Namms were married...

Patients Council celebrates 5th anniversary

Caption: "Patients Council celebrates 5th anniversary--Nathan Farberman, president of the...

Save me a piece!

Caption: "Save me a piece!--Arthur C. Ebinger of the Ebinger Baking Company presents the 300th anniversary cake to Borough President Cashmore."...

Spanning half a century

Caption: "Spanning half a century--Former Supreme Court Justice Mitchell May, left, and Benjamin C. Ribman, right, first and...

Street cleaners

Caption: "Everybody was happy yesterday--except the street cleaners. Here are four of them sizing up the task they will have before them when the...

Swedish Hospital

Caption: "At luncheon in Hotel St. George yesterday marking Swedish Hospital's 25th anniversary-- (1) Fire Commissioner John J. Dorman; (2)...

Tercentenary parade

Two exterior views, in different sizes, of Long Island tercentenary parade in Brooklyn. 0389 is an aerial view showing the Soldiers' and...

They made it

Caption: "They made it--These public officials and pretty girl entertainers, Brooklyn-bound from Manhattan Isle, 'rediscover' our borough." Image shows...