Bands (Music)

|  | 7 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [
Brass band, People's Palace

View of a brass band, consisting of ten boys, on a stage at the People's Palace, presumably in Manhattan. Image...

Dodger Sym-Phony out of tune?

Band consisting of three percussionists, one trumpeter, and one clarinetist playing behind railing in stands at Ebbets...

Dodger Sym-Phony serenades Judge Leibowitz & wife as latter leave for South Amer. cruise


Dodger Sym-Phony serenades Judge Leibowitz & wife as latter leave for South Amer. cruise


Happy birthday, Mr. President!

Clarinetist, trumpeter, two drummers, and four men in suits singing into microphone attached to tape recorder; poster...

Never too old

Caption: "Never too old--Joseph Aperstein, 74, a resident of the Hebrew Home and Hospital for the Aged. Dumont and Howard Aves., takes over the...

Raising a judicial clamor

Two men in suits (one holding cymbals) standing with four musicans (trumpet, clarinet, bass drum) at unidentified dock or pier...

Rootin' tooters

Musicians with bass drum, snare drum, trombones, trumpets, and cymbals posing in unidentified interior with man in suit and several others....

Saying it with music

Percussionists, clarinetist, and other fans and members of Brooklyn Dodgers Sym-Phony Band greeting man in trench coat; sign held by fan at...


Beauty pageant winner playfully holding hands over her ears as musicians (drums, cymbals, trumpets, trombone) play to her. Caption: "Self-...

Something new has been added

Two men listening to female trumpeter; location unknown. Caption: "Something New Has Been Added: Ever anxious to come...

Take 'meow' to the ball game

Band consisting of three percussionists, one trumpeter, and one clarinetist looking on as man holding cat exchanges...

The can sing, too!

Two men with drums draped on their backs exclaiming together; location unknown. Caption: "They Can Sing, Too!: Founding fathers and only...

Tribute to the dead

Procession of marching band followed by honor guard followed by motorcade on roadway in Cypress Hills Cemetery; allee of tall trees on either...

World Series serenade

Five musicians dressed as hoboes playing for two Brooklyn Dodgers standing in dugout, presumably at Yankee Stadium. Caption: "World...

[Brooklyn Dodgers Sym-Phony Band outside Madison Square Garden]

Political rally outside Madison Square Garden in...

[Brooklyn Dodgers Sym-Phony Band with unidentified man]

Five members of band (three percussionists, one trumpeter, one...

[Gregg Chapel orchestra]

Interior view of seven Italian boys playing in a band or orchestra at Gregg Chapel, the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church's...

[Silhouette of Brooklyn Dodgers Sym-Phony Band

Five band members with cymbals, trumpet, bass drum, clarient, and snare drum singing or...