Hospital patients
Fifth anniversary party Caption: "Fifth anniversary party--Mrs. Ethelbert A. Callaghan, president of the Women's Auxiliary of the Brooklyn Hospital,... |
Firemen's carry Caption: "Firemen's carry--Serious-faced Sandra Jensen rides comfortably in the arms of Fireman Harry White, at left, and Frances Bastian... |
First man in Caption: "First man in--Smiling George J. shaw, 25, is the first patient to move into the new $20,000,000 Fort Hamilton Veterans Hospital. Nurses shown... |
First transfer Caption: "First transfer--The first Halloran Hospital patient to be admitted to the Veterans Administration Hospital [i.e. Fort Hamilton Veterans... |
For hospitalized vets |
Friendly coaching Caption: "Friendly coaching is clue to success of music program at Brooklyn Naval Hospital. Instructor Don Renato Rossini, right, is giving... |
George Cook Polio patient George Cook at St. Charles Hospital. Shows him standing with crutches, wearing abdomen and leg braces. |
George Cook Polio patient George Cook at St. Charles Hospital. Shows him with other patients Charles Sanchez and Julius Pinto, all using crutches. |
George Cook Polio patient George Cook at St. Charles Hospital. Shows him lying on a stretcher being treated by Winifred Regan and Sister Henri, physical therapists... |
Getting to the root of things One of two views of Brooklyn Dodgers first baseman Gil Hodges wearing pajamas in hospital bed, feet towards camera; images... |
Getting to the root of things One of two views of Brooklyn Dodgers first baseman Gil Hodges wearing pajamas in hospital bed, feet towards camera; images... |
Gives a helping hand Caption:"Gives a helping hand--Miss Catharine Sartor finds part of the jigsaw puzzle [that[ little patients at the Hospital of the Holy... |
Going by-by Caption: "Going by-by--A patient of St. Charles Hospital, 277 Hicks St., five-year-old Kathleen O'Connell says "goodby" to a nun as she and 99 other... |
Good cheer for patients Caption: "Good cheer for patients--Albert C. Haas, left, navy shipfitter, 2d class, and Ralph C. Poness, right navy chief storekeeper... |
Good time of day Caption: "Good time of day--Mrs. Katherine Te Gussinklo, a diet kitchen aide at Wyckoff Heights [Hospital], feeds a hospital patient. She works... |
Goodby and good luck! Caption: "Goodby and good luck!--Assistant Superintendent of Nurses Elise K. Miller, at hospital entrance, waves farewell to lucky... |
Gray Lady serves Caption: "Gray Lady serves--Mrs. Benjamin Conroy, a Red Cross worker at the Hospital of the Holy Family, who serves one day a week, gives this... |
Handicapped youngsters graduate Caption: "Handicapped youngsters graduate--These three cripped children, patients at the Jewish Sanitarium and... |
Happy birthday! Caption: "Happy birthday!--Naomi Hoffman, 4, Victoria Dumbrowski, 22 months, and Jerry Nierenberg, 16 months, patients in the out-patient cerebral... |
Happy day for them Caption: "Happy day for them--Alexander Bernstein and Ruth Segal, handicapped students who are patients at the Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital... |
Happy Easter, Mom! Caption: "Happy Easter, Mom!--Writes Harry Cappas, who home is at 138 Cumberland Walk. Harry, who is 10 years old, is sending home Easter... |
Happy holiday Caption: "Happy holiday--Anticipation is the keynote as these youngsters from St. Charles Hospital wait with a sister for the arrival of an... |
Have a heart? Caption: "Have a heart?--Betty Jane Kellermann, occupational therapist at the Brooklyn Jewish Hospital, treatling ill youngsters with heart-shaped... |
Healing through the years Caption: "Healing through the years--Faithful service to the sick and the sore is still being performed by the Daughters of... |
Heart warning Gil Hodges (in suit) autographing baseball for boy with baseball glove in hospital bed, as other man in suit watches. Caption: "Heart warning: Gil... |
Her heart's in her job! Caption: "Her heart's in her job!--Lois Feger, 16, a student at St. Joseph's Juniorate feeds baby Linda De Senso at St. Charles... |
Holiday feast at vets hospital Caption: "Holiday feast at vets hospital--Traditional Chanukah celebration at Fort Hamilton Veterans Hospital: A... |
Holiday gift to hospital Caption: "Holiday gift to hospital--Participating in the dedication of the Brooklyn Jewish Hospital of a new Menorah (Chanukah... |
Hope springs eternal Caption: "Hope springs eternal--Some day 12-year-old Louis, third from left, who is a patient at Kings County Hospital, hopes to follow... |
Hospital CD drill Caption: "Hospital CD drill--Hospital workers help patients to cover in Cumberland Hospital in mock drill that simulated actual atomic attack... |
Hospital graduation Caption: "Hospital graduation--Robert, 6, and Ray, 7, two of the children completing their term's work at the Long Island College... |
Howlin' Hilda misses Dodgers Brooklyn Dodgers fan in hospital bed holding newspaper photo of two Dodger players. Caption: "Howlin' Hilda Misses... |
In Santa's wake Caption: "In Santa's wake--Marvin Feltz, patient at Fort Hamilton Veterans Hospital, accepts three of the more than $2,000 worth of post-... |
Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital Caption: "In ceremonies marking the opening of the indoor canister campaign of the Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital... |
Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital Caption: "It was a great day for the kids in the Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital [for Chronic Diseases] when Cal... |
Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital for Chronic Diseases Caption: "Hospitalized youngsters at the Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital for... |