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Lafayette Avenue

View of a subway construction site along Lafayette Avenue with sign, "The Majestic," in far background. Caption: "View looking north along...

Looking east along sid[e] of New Utrecht Ave. sub station showing concrete foundations being...
Looking east at 20th Ave. curve showing roadbed and retaining walls

View of construction site for subway line (...

Looking east at 22nd Ave. showing work on 22nd Ave. station canopy

View of construction site for subway line (the Sea...

Looking east from 14th Ave. showing progress of construction work

View of construction site for subway line (the Sea...

Looking east from 150 feet west of 11th Ave. showing 11th Ave. bridge

View of construction site for subway line (the...

Looking east from 15th Ave. showing concreting work

View of construction site for subway line (the Sea Beach or N line) showing...

Looking east from 16th Ave. bridge showing Desbrocks siding

Aerial view of construction site for subway line (the Sea Beach...

Looking east from 16th Ave. showing finished concrete walls north side right of way

View of...

Looking east from 18th Ave. showing arches, retaining walls, fence and roadbed

View of construction site...

Looking east from 19th Ave. bridge showing retaining walls, roadbed, etc.

View of construction site for subway...

Looking east from 19th Ave. showing retaining walls, fence and roadbed

View of construction site for subway line...

Looking east from 200 feet west of 14th Ave. showing road bed, portals and former incline for...
Looking east from 20th Ave. showing platforms, retaining walls and roadbed

View of construction site for...

Looking east from 20th Ave. showing shoreing of houses and work on 23rd Ave. bridge

View of construction...

Looking east from 22nd Ave. trolley station landing

View of construction site for subway line (the Sea Beach or N line) showing...

Looking east from 300 feet west of 8th Ave. showing steel work for station canopies, station...
Looking east from 7th Ave. showing station steel work and overhead foot bridge

View of construction site...

Looking east from Fort Hamilton Ave. showing both station platforms and roadbed

Length-wise view of...

Looking east from Fort Hamilton Ave. showing both station platforms and roadbed

Length-wise view of...

Looking east from top of arches at New Utrecht Ave.

View of construction site for subway line (the Sea Beach or N line) showing workers...

Looking east showing 11th Ave. bridge

View of construction site for subway line (the Sea Beach or N line) showing tracks receding into...

Looking east showing cutting through 5th Ave. and removal of old walls

View of construction site for subway...

Looking east showing retaining wall between 5th and 6th Ave. and concrete making machinery...
Looking east showing west entrance to arches at New Utrecht Ave.

View of construction site for subway line (the Sea...

Looking from bridge showing general view of work in progress north of 22nd Ave.

View from above of construction...

Looking N., showing W. sidewalk 4th Av., bet. B. R. Parkway & 67 St.

View of unpaved street in Bay Ridge,...

Looking north from 150 feet south of Ave. R showing progress on arches at Ave. R

Length-wise view of...

Looking north from 22nd Ave. showing roadbed and progress

View of construction site for subway line (the Sea Beach or N line...

Looking north from Ave. R showing progress on east bound station platfrom and canopy

View of...

Looking north from retaining wall east of Fort Hamilton Ave. showing steel work for station


Looking north showing east portal of subway and walls between 4th and 5th Aves.

View of construction...

Looking north west from 15th Ave. showing progress of work

View of construction site for subway line (the Sea Beach or N line)...

Looking northwest from east end of sub station showing concreting east of New Utrecht Ave.

View of...

Looking south from no. 415 64th St. showing progress on 4th Ave. sub station

View of construction site for...

Looking south showing progress on 64th St. sub. station

View of construction site for subway line (the Sea Beach or N line)...