[North side of Fulton Street between Bond Street and Flatbush Avenue Extension.] North side of Fulton... |
[North side of Fulton Street between Clermont Avenue and Adelphi Street.] North side of Fulton Street between... |
[North side of Fulton Street between Clermont Avenue and Adelphi Street.] North side of Fulton Street... |
[North side of Fulton Street between Lawrence Street and Bridge Street.] North side of Fulton Street between... |
[North side of Fulton Street near Adelphi Street.] North side of Fulton Street near Adelphi Street. Hank's is on northwest corner of... |
[North side of Fulton Street.] North side of Fulton Street. At right, on corner of Adelphi Street, is Hank's (#845 Fulton Street). To left of it is St.... |
[North side of Glenmore Avenue.] North side of Glenmore Avenue between Fountain Avenue and Logan Street, looking west. |
[North side of Kings Highway.] North side of Kings Highway. Northeast corner of Kings Highway and E. 15th Street at far right. |
[North side of Lafayette Avenue facing Lafayette Square.] North side of Lafayette Avenue facing Lafayette Square. Corner of... |
[North side of Liberty Avenue.] North side of Liberty Avenue looking east. N.E. corner of Lincoln Avenue and Liberty Avenue at left. Sacson Shoes on... |
[North side of Livonia Avenue.] North side of Livonia Avenue at Warwick Street, looking east under the el. |
[North side of lower Fulton Street.] North side of lower Fulton Street at corner of Water Street (left.) |
[North side of Middagh Street.] North side of Middagh Street between Henry Street and Fulton Street (right). |
[North side of Montague Street between Henry Street and Clinton Street.] North side of Montague Street between... |
[North side of Montague Street.] North side of Montague Street just to east of Henry Street. |
[North side of Montague Street.] North side of Montague Street between Clinton + Henry Streets looking northwest. Taken from window of #156 Montague... |
[North side of Montague Street.] North side of Montague Street (beween Clinton Street and Henry Street), looking west. |
[North side of Montague Street.] North side of Montague Street looking west. N.E. corner of Henry Street and Montague Street at far left. |
[North side of New Lots Avenue (right).] North side of New Lots Avenue (right.) Northeast corner of Powell Street and New Lots Avenue at left-... |
[North side of Ninth Street.] North side of Ninth Street - northwest corner of Sixth Avenue and Ninth Street at far right. |
[North side of Pierrepont Street between Fulton Street and Clinton Street.] North side of Pierrepont Street... |
[North side of Pitkin Avenue.] North side of Pitkin Avenue between Berryman [sic] Street and Shepherd Avenue (view looking east). Jen-Ann French Dry... |
[North side of Pitkin Avenue.] North side of Pitkin Avenue between Essex Street and Linwood Street looking west. Kaye Five & Ten Cent Store one at... |
[North side of State Street between Willow Place and Columbia Place.] North side of State Street between Willow... |
[North side of Sutter Avenue.] North side of Sutter Avenue at n.w. corner of Ashford Street. |
[North west corner of Crescent Street.] North west corner of Crescent Street and Glenmore Avenue - The Flame Cafe. |
[Northeast cor. W. 10th Street & Kings Highway.] Northeast cor. W. 10th Street & Kings Highway. Wash Dry Laundromat. Scheiners... |
[Northeast corner Kings Highway.] Northeast corner Kings Highway at E. 13th Streeet [Ira Bruce on corner]. |
[Northeast corner of 23rd Street.] Northeast corner of 23rd Street (rt.) and 5th Avenue. |
[Northeast corner of 29th Street.] Northeast corner of 29th Street (right) and 4th Avenue. |
[Northeast corner of 3rd Avenue and 9th Street.] Northeast corner of Third Avenue and 9th Street. 9th Street at right. Blurred- Note:... |
[Northeast corner of 49th Street and 4th Avenue, Brooklyn.] Northeast corner of 49th Street and 4th Avenue, Brooklyn. |
[Northeast corner of 63rd Street and 14th Avenue.] Northeast corner of 63rd Street and 14th Avenue. |
[Northeast corner of 67th Street.] Northeast corner of 67th Street (right) and 12th Avenue. |
[Northeast corner of 68th Street.] Northeast corner of 68th Street and Fifth Avenue at right. Fifth Avenue side showing. |
[Northeast corner of 6th Avenue and 49th Street.] Northeast corner of 6th Avenue and 49th Street. |