Brooklyn Heights (New York, N.Y.)
[Northwest corner of Joralemon Street and Henry Street.] Northwest corner of Joralemon Street and Henry Street [111 Joralemon... |
[Northwest corner of Middagh Street & Fulton Street. ] Northwest corner of Middagh Street & Fulton Street. First building... |
[Northwest corner of Montague Street and Clinton Street.] Northwest corner of Montague Street and Clinton Street, with Church... |
[Northwest corner of Pierrepont and Henry Streets.] Northwest corner of Pierrepont (left) and Henry Streets, Brooklyn. (160 Henry... |
[Northwest corner of Pierrepont Street and Fulton Street.] Northwest corner of Pierrepont Street and Fulton Street.... |
[Northwest corner of Pierrepont Street.] Northwest corner of Pierrepont Street (right) & Clinton Sreet., taken from balcony of Long Island... |
[Northwest corner of Pineapple Street & Hicks Street.] Northwest corner of Pineapple Street & Hicks Street. Entrance to #... |
[Northwest corner of Pineapple Street and Henry Street.] Northwest corner of Pineapple Street and Henry Street. Plymouth Food... |
[Northwest corner of Pineapple Street and Hicks Street. ] Northwest corner of Pineapple Street and Hicks Street. Towers Food... |
[Northwest corner of Remsen Street (left) and Clinton Street, Brooklyn Heights.] Northwest corner of... |
[Northwest corner of State Street and Willow Place.] Northwest corner of State Street and Willow Place. State Street side showing... |
[Old director's room, Long Island Historical Society.] Old director's room, Long Island Historical Society. |
[Old Mexico Restaurant, 115 Montague Street, Brooklyn Heights.] Old Mexico Restaurant, 115 Montague Street, Brooklyn... |
[Old Supreme Court Building.] Old Supreme Court Building, Brooklyn, Demolition. |
[Old Supreme Court Building.] Old Supreme Court Building, Brooklyn, Demolition. |
[Old Supreme Court Building.] Old Supreme Court Building, Brooklyn, Demolition. |
[Painting of Alden Spooner at Long Island Historical Society.] Painting of Alden Spooner at Long Island Historical Society... |
[Parking lot on Clinton Street with view of backs of houses on Monroe Place.] Parking lot on Clinton Street with view... |
[Part of #176 Columbia Heights at right.] Part of #176 Columbia Heights at right. Part of #184 Columbia Heights at left. |
[Pierrepont Street (north side) looking west.] Pierrepont Street (north side) looking west - between Clinton Street and/ Monroe Place... |
[Pineapple Street.] Pineapple Street. Large building at right is part of #35 Pineapple Street. |
[Plates in case in museum on 4th Floor, Long Island Historical Society.] Plates in case in museum on 4th Floor, Long... |
[Plaza Restaurant on corner of Fulton Street and Middagh Street.] Plaza Restaurant on corner of Fulton Street and... |
[Plymouth Lounge - Coffee Shoppe, Henry Street.] Plymouth Lounge - Coffee Shoppe, Henry Street. Portion of Heights Hand Laundry (#105... |
[Portion of Hotel Palm.] Portion of Hotel Palm - corner Pierrepont and Henry Streets, Brooklyn, N.Y. From John D. Morrell. |
[Post Office building.] Post Office building, Washington Street, Brooklyn Heights. |
[Promenade Restaurant.] Promenade Restaurant on s.w. corner of Montague and Hicks Streets. |
[Rear of house on southeast corner of Willow Street and Middagh Street. 24 Middagh... | |
[Rear of houses facing on south side of Remsen Street taken from Grace Court Alley.] Rear of houses facing on... |
[Rear of houses facing on south side of Remsen Street taken from Grace Court.] Rear of houses facing on south side... |
[Rear view of house on northwest corner of Henry Street.] Rear view of house on northwest corner of Henry Street and Remsen Street... |
[S/w corner Clinton Street + Livingston Street.] S/w corner Clinton Street + Livingston Street. |
[Sakele's Restaurant, Montague Street.] Sakele's Restaurant, Montague Street. |
[South side of Clark Street.] South side of Clark Street, looking east toward corner of Fulton Street. |
[South side of Joralemon Street.] South side of Joralemon Street looking west. Corner of Willow Place at far right. |
[South side of Montague Street, Brooklyn Heights.] South side of Montague Street, Brooklyn Heights. South east corner of Montague... |