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[Looking north along East 15th Street towards corner of Avenue J (at far left).]

Looking north along East...

[Luncheonette At #218 DeKalb Avenue (right).]

Luncheonette At #218 DeKalb Avenue (right). Apts. in same building also #218 DeKalb Avenue #...

[Mabel Corey Watt School of Music at southeast corner of Newkirk Avenue and East 17th Street.]
[Mabel Corey Watt School of Music at southeast corner of Newkirk Avenue and East 17th Street.]...
[Masur Flower Shop (#276 Fulton Street.)]

Masur Flower Shop (#276 Fulton Street.) Casa Loran - General Merchandise (closed) at #274 Fulton...

[Methodist Church of Sheepshead Bay.]

Methodist Church of Sheepshead Bay. Robert A. Lowell, Pastor. Church is on corner of Voorhies Avenue and...

[Miles and Dorsey.]

Miles and Dorsey at s.e. corner of E. 14th Street and Kings Highway, Dorsey Men's Wear Ltd. 1406 Kings Highway.

[Mindy's Delicatessen, northeast corner of 5th Avenue & 85th Street.]

Mindy's Delicatessen, northeast corner...

[Mission Chapel, R.C. of Our Lady of Pilar (Spanish) at right. ]

Mission Chapel, R.C. of Our Lady of Pilar (Spanish) at right....

[Modern homes at south side of Kings Highway.]

Modern homes at south side of Kings Highway between East 33rd Street and New York Avenue....

[Montague Street from southwest corner of Henry Street.]

Montague Street from southwest corner of Henry Street looking west along...

[Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.]

Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. North side of street between Henry Street and Clinton Street.

[Montague Street, north side.]

Montague Street, north side. Corner of Henry Street at left. Pam Pam Restaurant on corner (lunch counter.)


Morrell's, Kings Highway at s.w. cor. of E. 12th Street and Kings Highway. Morrell's Kings Highway Inc. Women's apparel, 1124 Kings Highway Roll no....

[Myrtle Avenue under "el."]

Myrtle Avenue under "el." View from corner of Hall Street looking northeast. From left: Tony's is at #485 Myrtle...

[N.E. cor. 10th Avenue.]

N.E. cor. 10th Avenue (left) and 72nd Street.

[N.E. cor. 62nd Street and New Utrect Avenue.]

N.E. cor. 62nd Street and New Utrect Avenue. 62nd Street station on el. West End line....

[N.E. cor. of 90th Street & Ridge Boulevard.]

N.E. cor. of 90th Street & Ridge Boulevard.

[N.E. cor. Senator Street.]

N.E. cor. Senator Street and Ridge Boulevard. Senator Street side showing.

[N.e. cor. Sixth Avenue.]

N.e. cor. Sixth Avenue and 71st Street (latter side showing).

[N.E. corner of 63rd Street.]

N.E. corner of 63rd Street (left) and 13th Avenue.

[N.E. corner of 63rd Street.]

N.E. corner of 63rd Street (left) and 12th Avenue (brick house).

[N.E. corner of 79th Street.]

N.E. corner of 79th Street (right) and 3rd Avenue.

[N.E. corner of 81st Street.]

N.E. corner of 81st Street and Third Avenue.

[N.E. corner of Bushwick Avenue + Bleecker Street.]

N.E. corner of Bushwick Avenue + Bleecker Street. #939 Bushwick Avenue at far left...

[N.E. corner of Dumont Avenue.]

N.E. corner of Dumont Avenue and Barbey Street.

[N.E. corner of Senator Street.]

N.E. corner of Senator Street and 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn.

[N.e. of corner of E. 15th Street.]

N.e. of corner of E. 15th Street (side showing) and Kings Highway looking toward Kings Highway. (1st National City...

[N.W. cor. 15th Avenue & 65th Street.]

N.W. cor. 15th Avenue & 65th Street (15th Avenue side, right).

[N.W. cor. of 65th Street.]

N.W. cor. of 65th Street (at left) and 11th Avenue. View of west side of 11th Avenue between 64th and 65th Streets.

[N.W. corner of 14th Avenue.]

N.W. corner of 14th Avenue and 65th Street. 65th Street at left.

[N.W. corner of 15th Avenue.]

N.W. corner of 15th Avenue and 65th Street (latter side showing).

[N.W. corner of 59th Street.]

N.W. corner of 59th Street (left) and Ninth Avenue, Brooklyn.

[N.W. corner of Jay Street and Fulton Street.]

N.W. corner of Jay Street and Fulton Street.

[N.W. corner of Montgomery Street.]

N.W. corner of Montgomery Street (left) and Brooklyn Avenue.

[N.W. corner of Senator Street.]

N.W. corner of Senator Street (left) and Ridge Boulevard.