Apartment houses

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137 Ludlow Street

View of floor plan of tenement apartment house located at 137 Ludlow Street.

177-A Nassau Ave.

Exterior, close-up, partial view of 177 A Nassau Avenue, a building, with a gound floor store and apartments above, with three rows of Chinese...

981 Manhattan Ave.

Exterior, close view of a three-story brick building, located at 981 Manhattan Avenue, with a Salvation Army thrift shop on the ground level...

Bird's eye view from 85 Leonard St.

Aerial view of residential section of Williamsburg taken from roof of 85 Leonard Street with four lines of...

Bird's eye view from roof

Aerial view of residential section of Williamsburg including Boerum Street and Lorimer Street.

Boerum & Lorimer Sts.

Section of Boerum Street, between Lorimer Street and Leonard Street, a Williamsburg business district, with stores on ground floor...

Coney Island

Rendering (drawing) of proposed (?) Coney Island housing development; five high-rise (14-story) apartment houses, small apartment houses in right...

Coney Island

Snapshot views of Coney Island. Show sboarded up and cemented up building entrances.

Coney Island

Snapshot views of Coney Island. Show boarded up and cemented up building entrances and rundown residential areas.

Coney Island

Snapshot views of Coney Island.

Coney Island

Snapshot views of Coney Island. Shows rundown residential areas and chainlink fence with large sign, "Beware: Trained Attack Dog On Guard" in front...

Coney Island

Snapshot views of Coney Island.

Coney Island

Snapshot views of Coney Island. Shows construction site at West 28th Street with bulldozer and large stand-alone sign, "Coney Island Site Five...

Fort Hamilton High School site

Caption: "[Aerial view of] The Fort Hamilton High School site at 100th St. and Shore Road [between 3rd Avenue and...

Hoffman Arms

Exterior view of Hoffman Arms, an apartment house located at the intersection of Madison Avenue and 59th Street.

Johnson Ave. & Leonard St.

Residential section of Johnson Avenue between Leonard Street and Lorimer Street in Williamsburg with group of children...

Leonard & Boerum Sts.

Section of Leonard Street between Boerum Street and Johnson Avenue, a business district in Williamsburg, with stores on ground floor...

Lorimer & Boerum Sts.

Intersection of Lorimer Street and Boerum Street in Williamsburg, business district with stores on ground floor of apartment houses...

Nassau Ave. & No. Henry St.

Close-up view, of a building located at the intersection of Nassau Avenue and North Henry Street. The building contains a...

Nassau Ave. & No. Henry St.

Close-up view, of a building located at the intersection of Nassau Avenue and North Henry Street. The building contains...

Osborne Apartment House

Exterior view of the Osborne Apartment House located at the intersection of 7th Avenue and 57th Street.

Park Slope

Close-up view of Park Slope post office located on 7th Avenue near 2nd Street, with apartments above. Image includes portions of attached buildings on...

Recommended by city agencies

Aerial view: caption: "Recommended by city agencies--A general view of Site 9A. Picture was taken near the corner of...


Caption: "Reconditioned--The Boys High School athletic field, bounded by Maple St., Schenectady Ave., Troy Ave., and Rutland Road in the East...

Red Hook 1995

Close-up, exterior view of upper portion of a brick apartment house located at the intersection of Clinton Street and Bush Street in Red Hook. Image...

Silver Dollar Smith's

View of open-air entrance of Silver Dollar Smith's, a bar on Essex Street. Additional inscription: "A notorious saloon." Image...

Squalor's 5th column

View of substandard conditions in housing project. Caption on verso: "Squalor's 5th Column: These views of wet and littered...

Squalor's 5th column

View of substandard conditions in housing project. Caption on verso: "Squalor's 5th Column: These views of wet and littered...

Tercentenary parade

Two exterior views, in different sizes, of Long Island tercentenary parade in Brooklyn. 0389 is an aerial view showing the Soldiers' and...

The Belgravia

Exterior view of The Belgravia, an apartment house located at the intersection of 5th Avenue and 49th Street.

The Dalhousie

Exterior view of The Dalhousie, an apartment house located on 59th Street between 5th Avenue and 6th Avenue. Image includes several other buildings in...

Tojo be hanged

Four men gathered outside second story windows of brick building, where a dummy of General Tojo is being hanged in effigy; one man about to hit...


View of six-story apartment buildings nearing completion in housing project north of Fort Greene Park; construction worker with back to camera in center foreground;...

View of Riverside Apartments, showing north face of building at the southeast corner of Furman...
["The Diplomat"]

"The Diplomat" (apt. house), 1829 Caton Avenue, between St. Paul's Place and Ocean Avenue. Northside of avenue BMT cut at left.

[#107 Greenpoint Avenue.]

#107 Greenpoint Avenue.