Fire hydrants
"Jack Knife" corner Gold [Street] and Platt St[reet] Exterior side and frontal view of a narrow building on the corner... |
A Rainy Day View of an unidentified residential street on a rainy day. Includes historic houses, the sidewalks, a fire hydrant, and the trees reflecting in the water... |
Alas, the poor bookie! Caption: "Alas, the poor bookie!--... An indication as to just how open the bookies operate in the borough is given in this before... |
Alas, the poor bookie! Caption: "Alas, the poor bookie!--... An indication as to just how open the bookies operate in the borough is given in these after... |
Cropsey House, Main Street, New Utrecht Exterior street corner view of a historic wood-sided house including its picket fence and porches... |
J. C. Bergen House, 33rd Street and 3rd Avenue Exterior view of a historic house surrounded by a picket fence and including bare... |
Lott House Lott House - 1672 ? / Henry Rapelye House. / New Lots. / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd [handwritten on verso]. |
Old House, corner of Lafayette Avenue and Bushwick Avenue Exterior view of a historic house, adjacent to row houses, with a... |
Van Cleef House Van Cleef House. Neck Rd. + E. 16th St. / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd [handwritten on verso]. |
Van Siclen House, New Lots Road and Van Sicklen Avenue Exterior view of a historic house with a fence, fire hydrant, and a... |
Where the Old Woodpoint Boulevard stops View of a paved street intersection that includes playing children, frame houses, a fire hydrant,... |
[#1117 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, L.I.] #1117 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, L.I. |
[#30 Orange Street (at left) #28 Orange Street (center) #26 Orange Street (left) (obscured by trees).]... | |
[#443 Clinton Avenue. ] #443 Clinton Avenue. A portion of #437 Clinton Avenue is showing at left. |
[195 28th Street.] 195 28th Street, Brooklyn. |
[Adelphi Street - East side between DeKalb Avenue & Lafayette Avenue.] Adelphi Street - East side between... |
[Adelphi Street - East side between DeKalb Avenue & Lafayette Avenue.] Adelphi Street - East side between... |
[Children playing in fire hydrant spray] A group of children playing in the spray from a fire hydrant. In the background is a row of... |
[Clinton Nursing Home, #415 Clinton Avenue.] Clinton Nursing Home, #415 Clinton Avenue. At left is part of #405 Clinton Avenue. |
[Clinton Street looking north.] Clinton Street looking north. East side of street between Pierrepont Street and Tillary Street. |
[Corner of an abandoned townhouse] The corner of an abandoned, fire-damaged townhouse and row of store fronts, next to a red traffic light at an... |
[Damaged townhouses] Damaged townhouses that are missing windows, areas of siding, and appear to have fire damage. Three people are standing by running fire... |
[Damaged townhouses] View of damaged townhouses. Patches of the brick exterior are missing from one and many of the windows have been broken or are missing... |
[Engine 226.] Engine 226 State Street. |
[Hicks Street.] Hicks Street - west side looking south. N.w. corner of Hicks + Pierrepont Streets. |
[Jay's Restaurant, 22 Clinton Street. ] Jay's Restaurant, 22 Clinton Street. (Name changed during same month to Guy's Restaurant.) |
[Lafayette National Bank.] Lafayette National Bank 100 Livingston Street. |
[New Lots Branch, Brooklyn Public Library.] New Lots Branch, Brooklyn Public Library, ew Lots Avenue - east of Schenck Avenue. |
[North side of Fulton Street.] North side of Fulton Street. At right, on corner of Adelphi Street, is Hank's (#845 Fulton Street). To left of it is St.... |
[Northeast corner of Carlton Avenue and Willoughby Avenue.] Northeast corner of Carlton Avenue and Willoughby Avenue.... |
[Northwest corner of 77th Street and 7th Avenue.] Northwest corner of 77th Street and 7th Avenue. Levise M. Puglisi, M.D., has... |
[Playing in fire hydrant water] A boy with his pants rolled up, playing in water gushing from a fire hydrant, in front of a row of parked cars. The... |
[Red Men's Club.] Red Men's Club, on Eighth Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues. |
[Southeast corner of DeKalb Avenue and South Elliot Place.] Southeast corner of DeKalb Avenue and South Elliot Place.... |
[View of west side of Duffield Street.] View of west side of Duffield Street between Willoughby Street and Fulton Street, looking south toward... |