Fire escapes
Brooklyn State Hospital Exterior, partial view of Brooklyn State Hospital building. Inscription on verso: "Fire hazard -- fire excape, passing windows... |
Home of the 5th Dist. Municipal Court at 5220 3rd Ave. Three-story brick building in Sunset Park, with elevated subway tracks in... |
Williamsburg View of portion of a building, located at 351 Kent Avenue, and a portion of another building, on the far left, with a fire escape. Image includes a... |
[#107 Greenpoint Avenue.] #107 Greenpoint Avenue. |
[#109 Arlington Avenue.] #109 Arlington Avenue Brooklyn, L.I. |
[#11 Fulton Street.] #11 Fulton Street (Sign says "For Information Industrial Dept., Bulkely & Horton Co., Est. 1890, Realtors, Offices 660 Fulton St.,... |
[#115 Greenpoint Avenue.] #115 Greenpoint Avenue (on north side of avenue between Manhattan Avenue and Franklin Street). |
[#155 Amity Street.] #155 Amity Street Brooklyn (center). |
[#155 Amity Street.] #155 Amity Street (center). |
[#161 Dupont Street.] #161 Dupont Street (Greenpoint). |
[#17 Fulton Street.] #17 Fulton Street. |
[#175 Amity Street.] #175 Amity Street, Brooklyn (center). |
[#176 Fulton Street (left) #174 Fulton Street (center) - Mendelsohn Paper Co. Inc.] #176 Fulton Street (... |
[#183 Columbia Heights left.] #183 Columbia Heights left. #185-187 Columbia Heights (right.) |
[#189-191 Atlantic Avenue.] #189-191 Atlantic Avenue. Fovad Alwan - Oriental Pastries at 189 (left); Rashid Sales Co. (electrical appliances and importer... |
[#193 Kane Street.] #193 Kane Street - northside, between Clinton Street and Henry Street and opposite Strong Place. |
[#200 Fulton Street (a barber shop) at left.] #200 Fulton Street (a barber shop) at left. The next store (#202) is for rent. Next to it is #... |
[#203 Luquer Street.] #203 Luquer Street (left) and 205 Luquer Street. On north side of street near el and Smith Street. |
[#215 Court Street.] #215 Court Street (center). |
[#265-267 62nd Street, Brooklyn. (#265 at left).] #265-267 62nd Street, Brooklyn. (#265 at left.) |
[#271 Warren Street.] #271 Warren Street (light-colored house, center.) |
[#301 Smith Street.] #301 Smith Street at northeast corner of Smith Street and Union Street. |
[#312 Fulton Street at far left; #310 Fulton Street -office furniture (moved to #298 Fulton Street)]... | |
[#425 Fourth Avenue.] #425 Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. |
[#43 Dean Street.] #43 Dean Street. |
[#475 (left) - #477 Clinton Street.] #475 (left) - #477 Clinton Street, on east side of street between 2nd Place and 3rd Place. |
[#51 Hicks Street.] #51 Hicks Street. |
[#55 Henry Street.] #55 Henry Street. A portion of #57 ("Fireman's Hall") at right. |
[#58 Willow Street. South west corner of Orange Street and Willow Street - Orange Street side at... | |
[#591 Bushwick Avenue.] #591 Bushwick Avenue at corner of Melrose Street (right). |
[#661 Henry Street.] #661 Henry Street. |
[#675 86th Street, Dyker Hall - apartments.] #675 86th Street, Dyker Hall - apartments. |
[#701 Bushwick Avenue.] #701 Bushwick Avenue (at right), on corner of Suydam Street. #699 Bushwick Avenue in same apt. house at left. |
[#71 Douglass Street.] #71 Douglass Street (left) (Douglass Mirror Works) and #73 Douglass Street (at right). |
[#837? Bedford Avenue.] #837? Bedford Avenue. South of and next to #835. |
[#85 Luquer Street.] #85 Luquer Street. |