Diners (Restaurants)
Nassau Ave. & No. Henry St. Close-up view, of a building located at the intersection of Nassau Avenue and North Henry Street. The building contains a... |
Nassau Ave. & No. Henry St. Close-up view, of a building located at the intersection of Nassau Avenue and North Henry Street. The building contains... |
[#353 Smith Street.] #353 Smith Street (center) - Carroll Meat Market. |
[#7 Greene Avenue at right (the liquor store).] #7 Greene Avenue at right (the liquor store). The barber shop just to the left of it is at #5... |
[17th Avenue.] 17th Avenue (at right) and 46th Street. |
[238 Livingston Street.] 238 Livingston Street. Stur-Dee Health Products, Livingston Street. |
[243 Smith Street.] 243 Smith Street (southeast corner of Douglass Street and Smith Street). |
[325-327 Adams Street] East side of Adams Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows the side of 28 Myrtle Avenue and front of 325 - 327 Adams Street. |
[351-357 Fulton Street] East side of Fulton Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 351 - 357 Fulton Street. |
[357-365 Fulton Street] East side of Fulton Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 357 - 365 Fulton Street. |
[Adams Street south of Myrtle Avenue] East side of Adams Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 325 - 327 Adams Street. |
[At foot of Atlantic Avenue.] At foot of Atlantic Avenue. Joe's Diner (#11 Atlantic Avenue) and Kelly's (#13 Atlantic Avenue). The building at far right is... |
[At left - part of Claude's Barber Shop.] At left - part of Claude's Barber Shop. {(827 Fulton Street per 1960 dir)} Left center: Emery's... |
[Brighton line - Kings Highway BMT station.] Brighton line - Kings Highway BMT station. South side of Kings Highway between E. 15th... |
[Carroll Cafe.] Carroll Cafe, 531 Carroll Street. |
[Coney Island Avenue.] Coney Island Avenue just north of Church Avenue. DeMouro Press 457 Coney Island Avenue. |
[Corner of Carlton Avenue (left) and Fulton Street.] Corner of Carlton Avenue (left) and Fulton Street. O & D 5 + 10 Cent Store... |
[Corner of Tillary Street and Clinton Street (right).] Corner of Tillary Street and Clinton Street (right.) Fulton Street at left... |
[Court Street between Schermerhorn Street and State Street.] Court Street between Schermerhorn Street and State Street... |
[Court Street.] Court Street. |
[East side of Boerum Place.] East side of Boerum Place looking north. Northeast corner of Dean Street and Boerum Place at right. |
[East side of Fourth Avenue 99th Street at left.] East side of Fourth Avenue 99th Street at left. Buckley, Geo J tavern 9901 4th Avenue... |
[East side of Rogers Avenue.] East side of Rogers Avenue between Lefferts Avenue and Sterling Street, looking north. |
[Greene Avenue, (north side) between Cumberland Street and Fulton Street.] Greene Avenue, (north side)... |
[Henry Street (eastside) looking north.] Henry Street (eastside) looking north. Northeast corner of Clark Street at right. |
[Interior, Sunny's Delicatessen, 128 Montague Street.] Interior, Sunny's Delicatessen, 128 Montague Street. |
[Jimmy's Luncheonette.] Jimmy's Luncheonette at n.e. corner of Kings Highway and W. 5th Street. |
[Joe's Restaurant, Fulton Street.] Joe's Restaurant, Fulton Street. Portion of west side towards rear. |
[Luncheonette At #218 DeKalb Avenue (right).] Luncheonette At #218 DeKalb Avenue (right). Apts. in same building also #218 DeKalb Avenue #... |
[Montague Street, north side.] Montague Street, north side. Corner of Henry Street at left. Pam Pam Restaurant on corner (lunch counter.) |
[N.E. corner of Kings Highway.] N.E. corner of Kings Highway (left) & E. 15th Street. |
[N.E. corner of Nostrand Avenue and Union Street.] N.E. corner of Nostrand Avenue and Union Street. |
[N.E. corner of Sutter Avenue.] N.E. corner of Sutter Avenue and Warwick Street. |
[New York City Community of Applied Arts and Sciences] New York City Community of Applied Arts and Sciences - Student... |
[Norman Cleaners.] Norman Cleaners (right) Dave's Luncheon (left) on cor. Avenue Z and E. 18th Street. Avenue Z side only showing. Sheepshead Bay area. |
[North side of Atlantic Avenue to west of Furman Street.] North side of Atlantic Avenue to west of Furman Street. N.E. corner of... |