Day care centers

|  | 7 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | [
Apartment provides school

Caption: "Apartment provides school--Mrs. Priscilla Bristol, supervisor of the new Fenwood Park Nursery School, is shown...

Cap, gown and all

Caption: "Cap, gown and all--Children at the Manhattan Beach Child Care Center, 402 Horne Ave., have a real graduation. Waiting to receive '...

Cooling off

Caption: "Cooling off--Miss Jean Timberlake, vice president of the Flatbush Day Nursery Junior Auxiliary, gives a sponge bath to one of the 35 children who...

Early Easter

Caption: "Early Easter--Leslie Mac Dougall and David Farkas, both 4, get a laugh feeding the Easter bunny, Judy Lippe, a Long Island Unviersity...

Easter bonnet preview

Caption: "Easter bonnet preview--Mrs. John I. McNamara, chairman of awards; Mrs. Henry L. Ughetta, general chairman; Mrs. James J....

Eviction victim

Caption: "Eviction victim--Mrs. Ursula Katzenstein of 291 Lefferts Ave., with her daughter, Kate, 3, one of 40 children to be evicted when the...

Festival lights

Caption: "Festival lights--Youngsters of the Hebrew Ladies Day Nursery, 521 Hopkinson Ave., are shown lighting the traditional candles as part of...

Flatbush Day Nursery

Flatbush Day Nursery children posed, on see saw and jungle gym, on roof of Flatbush Boys Club located at 2245 Flatbush Avenue. Includes...

Flatbush Day Nursery

Elizabeth Bangner [or Bagnor], Flatbush Day Nursery nurse. Shows her inspecting mouth of child.

Flatbush Day Nursery

Flatbush Day Nursery children posed, on see saw and jungle gym, on roof of Flatbush Boys Club located at 2245 Flatbush Avenue.

Flatbush Day Nursery

One of nine views, in different sizes, of children at Flatbush Day Nursery. Children are shown sitting in cribs, brushing teeth,...

Flatbush Day Nursery

One of nine views, in different sizes, of children at Flatbush Day Nursery. Children are shown sitting in cribs, brushing teeth,...

Flatbush Day Nursery

One of nine views, in different sizes, of children at Flatbush Day Nursery. Children are shown sitting in cribs, brushing teeth,...

Flatbush Day Nursery

One of nine views, in different sizes, of children at Flatbush Day Nursery. Children are shown sitting in cribs, brushing teeth,...

Flatbush Day Nursery

Elizabeth Bangner [or Bagnor], Flatbush Day Nursery nurse. Shows her weighing child.

Flatbush Day Nursery

Caption: "Here is a lady Santa Claus, Mrs. H. B. Pope, chairman of the Christmas party at the Flatbush Day Nursery, giving little...

Flatbush Day Nursery

One of nine views, in different sizes, of children at Flatbush Day Nursery. Children are shown sitting in cribs, brushing teeth,...

Flatbush Day Nursery

One of nine views, in different sizes, of children at Flatbush Day Nursery. Children are shown sitting in cribs, brushing teeth,...

Flatbush Day Nursery

One of nine views, in different sizes, of children at Flatbush Day Nursery. Children are shown sitting in cribs, brushing teeth,...

Flatbush Day Nursery

One of nine views, in different sizes, of children at Flatbush Day Nursery. Children are shown sitting in cribs, brushing teeth,...

Flatbush Day Nursery

One of nine views, in different sizes, of children at Flatbush Day Nursery. Children are shown sitting in cribs, brushing teeth,...

Fortune teller

Caption: "Fortune teller--Karen Klein, 8, gazes into the crystal ball while Susan Meisal, 6, and Gary Bergman, 7, anxiously await the mysterious...

Friend in Need Day Nursery

Exterior view of Friend in Need Day Nursery located at 95 Bradford Street.

Friend in Need Day Nursery

Exterior view of Friend in Need Day Nursery located at 95 Bradford Street.

Gravesend toast

Caption: "Gravesend toast--Success to the new Coney Island Child Care Center of the Shorefront Jewish Community Center in Gravesend Houses is...

Gregg Chapel

One of two posed views, in different sizes, of a large group of Italian American children sitting or standing in front of Chiesa Evangelica Italiana...

Gregg Chapel

One of two posed views, in different sizes, of a large group of Italian American children sitting or standing in front of Chiesa Evangelica Italiana...

Head committee

Caption: "Head committee--Mrs. Walter Trum Jr., left, and Mrs. Thomas F. Cavanaugh are co-chairman and general chairman, respectively, for the...

Hot weather cure

Caption: "Hot weather cure--Kids whose mothers are at work cool off under shower [given by unidentified nun] in roof playground of St. Ignatius...

Immaculate Conception

View of unidentified girl doing watercolor painting at Immaculate Conception Day Nursery located at 117 Sands Street.

Lena Daube

View of Lena Daube, 6, of 462 Schenck Ave., doing watercolor painting at the Hendrix St. Day Nursery located at 394 Hendrix Street.

Making like wheelbarrows

Caption: "Making like wheelbarrows--Teaming up for a unique race at the annual field day of the Coney Island Community Center at...

Offers church property

Caption: "Offers church property--The Rev. John S. Smith and Connie De Naro, Sunday school teacher, with a group of youngsters at...

Party planners

Caption: "Party planners--Mrs. Walter C. Jones, Jr., Mrs. John J. McLaughlin and Mrs. Walter A. Trum Jr. (seated left to right) and Mrs. C....

Plan benefit at tea

Caption: "Plan benefit at tea--Mrs. Walter E. Trum Jr pours tea at a meeting for the benefit bridge party of the Immaculate Conception Day...

Pre-school lessons

Caption: "Pre-school lessons--Mrs. Charles F. Colchester, president of the Flatbush Day Nursery, is shown by two little girls of the...