Clinton Hill (New York, N.Y.)

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[#175 St. James Place (left), #177 St. James Place (right center); portion of #179 St. James Place...
[#179-181-183 St. James Place. ]

#179-181-183 St. James Place. #183 St. James Place is at right.

[#180-176-174 Clinton Avenue.]

#180-176-174 Clinton Avenue. #180 is first doorway (left-center).

[#188 Washington Avenue at far left, then #186 Washington Avenue, then #184 Washington...
[#200 Lafayette Avenue.]

#200 Lafayette Avenue (corner of Vanderbilt Avenue, Vanderbilt Avenue side) showing.

[#285-287 DeKalb Avenue.]

#285-287 DeKalb Avenue. Northwest corner of Waverly Avenue & DeKalb Avenue.

[#296 Washington Avenue.]

#296 Washington Avenue (left) #294 Washington Avenue (right) portion of St. Angela's Hall. Building at far right is St. Angela's...

[#298 DeKalb Avenue at right.]

#298 DeKalb Avenue at right. Left: #300 DeKalb Avenue. 2-car garage at far left (only a portion showing).

[#301-305 Washington Avenue.]

#301-305 Washington Avenue. N.E. corner of Washington Avenue & DeKalb Avenue.

[#315 Clinton Avenue.]

#315 Clinton Avenue (cor. of Lafayette and Clinton Avenues).

[#315 Washington Avenue.]

#315 Washington Avenue (east side of Avenue, between DeKalb Avenue & Lafayette Avenue- nearer to DeKalb Avenue).

[#351 Washington Avenue (at left), on southeast corner of Washington Avenue and Lafayette Avenue. ]...
[#357 Washington Avenue (left) and #359 Washington Avenue (right.).]

#357 Washington Avenue (left) and #359 Washington...

[#363 Washington Avenue (right) and #361 Washington Avenue (left).]

#363 Washington Avenue (right) and #361 Washington...

[Building at southwest corner of Waverly Avenue and DeKalb Avenue.]

Building at southwest corner of Waverly Avenue and...

[Church at corner of Lafayette Avenue and Clinton Avenue.]

Church at corner of Lafayette Avenue and Clinton Avenue. Cadman...

[Clinton Avenue (at southwest corner of DeKalb Avenue and Clinton Avenue.). ]

Clinton Avenue (at southwest...

[Clinton Avenue (west side of avenue) between DeKalb Avenue and Lafayette Avenue.]

Clinton Avenue (...

[Clinton Avenue near southwest corner of Clinton Avenue & Willoughby Avenue.]

Clinton Avenue near...

[Construction at southeast corner of Ryerson Street & Willoughby Avenue. ]

Construction at southeast corner of...

[Construction of apartment house, northwest corner of Grand Avenue & Willoughby Avenue.]


[Corner of Washington Avenue & Willoughby Avenue (side facing on Willoughby Avenue.)]

Corner of...

[DeKalb Avenue and Waverly Avenue (northeast corner). ]

DeKalb Avenue and Waverly Avenue (northeast corner). #295 DeKalb Avenue...

[DeKalb Avenue between Waverley Avenue and DeKalb Avenue (southside).]

DeKalb Avenue between Waverley Avenue...

[DeKalb Avenue.]

DeKalb Avenue from corner of Vanderbilt Avenue looking northeast.

[Doorway at #283 DeKalb Avenue.]

Doorway at #283 DeKalb Avenue.

[East side of St. James Place looking south.]

East side of St. James Place looking south. #127 St. James Place at far left corner. #129 St...

[East side of St. James Place.]

East side of St. James Place. Looking towards Greene Avenue (corner at far right.) #73 St. James Place is first door at...

[Emerson Hall on Emerson Place.]

Emerson Hall on Emerson Place. Corner of Emerson Place and Willoughby Avenue.

[Emmanuel Baptist Church, northwest side of Hall Street & Lafayette Avenue.]

Emmanuel Baptist Church,...

[Entrance to #268 Waverly Avenue (left) and to #266 Waverly Avenue (right).]

Entrance to #268 Waverly Avenue (left...

[Factory on Southeast corner of DeKalb Avenue (left) and Grand Avenue (right.)]

Factory on Southeast corner of...

[From right to left: #330 Lafayette Avenue (next house also called #330); then #332 (with...
[Glover Memorial Baptist Church, 191 St. James Place.]

Glover Memorial Baptist Church, 191 St. James Place. Rev. Lynwood P....

[Lafayette Avenue.]

Lafayette Avenue - Portion of #217 Lafayette Avenue at far left corner. Entrance to # 219 Lafayette Avenue obscured by tree. House at...

[North east corner of Washington Avenue and DeKalb Avenue.]

North east corner of Washington Avenue and DeKalb Avenue. #301-...