Baseball players

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Winsome threesome

Brooklyn Dodgers shortstop Pee Wee Reese emerging from swimming pool with his wife and daughter Caption on verso: "Winsome Threesome: The...

World Series serenade

Five musicians dressed as hoboes playing for two Brooklyn Dodgers standing in dugout, presumably at Yankee Stadium. Caption: "World...

Young artists

Caption: "Young artists--Dodger star Jackie Robinson, community relations director for WNBC-WNBT, inspects articles made by Willoughby House...

Yuletide ball

Caption: "Yuletide ball--Eugene Caso of 3403 Avenue T, a nine-year-old patient at St. Charles Hospital, is wide-eyed as he holds a baseball for the...

[Alban Glossop]

Brooklyn Dodgers infielder Alban Glossop with glove in hand, seated against brick wall and looking into camera; location unknown.

[Alta Cohen]

Half-length view of outfielder Alta Cohen, primarily a minor leaguer who played ten games for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1931; in uniform and apparently...

[Andy Pafko at Ebbets Field]

Brooklyn Dodgers center fielder Andy Pafko at Ebbets Field before game; (9 x 8 in., with semi-circular portion missing from...

[Andy Pafko at Ebbets Field]

Brooklyn Dodgers center fielder Andy Pafko at Ebbets Field before game; (9 x 4 in., with semi-circular portion missing...

[Andy Pafko in Chicago uniform]

Chicago Cubs (later Brooklyn Dodgers) center fielder Andy Pafko taking practice swing before game, apparently at...

[Andy Pafko taking practice swings]

Brooklyn Dodgers center fielder Andy Pafko taking practice swings in Ebbets Field before game; scattered...

[Andy Pafko taking practice swings]

Brooklyn Dodgers center fielder Andy Pafko taking practice swings in Ebbets Field before game; scattered...

[Andy Pafko's hands gripping bat]

Close-up of two hands, apparently belonging to Brooklyn Dodgers center fielder Andy Pafko, gripping...

[Art Kottman]

Art Kottman, prospect for Brooklyn Dodgers, looking towards home plate in defensive pose on mound at Ebbets Field; billboards on outfield wall and...

[Arthur Graham in batting pose]

Boson Red Sox rightfielder Arthur "Skinny" Graham (who was acquired by the Brooklyn Dodgers but never played for them...

[Attempted double play]

Scene from World Series game between Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Yankees, probably at Ebbets Field, showing Dodger infielder Gil...

[Augie Galan before dugout]

Brooklyn Dodgers leftfielder Augie Galan in batter's crouch before dugout, possibly at Ebbets Field.

[Augie Galan taking practice swings]

Brooklyn Dodgers leftfielder Augie Galan taking practice swings at unknown location; hillside with trees...

[Augie Galan without shirt]

Brooklyn Dodgers leftfielder Augie Galan posing shirtless, with arrows numbered 1,2,3,3, superimposed on image pointing to...

[Ben Geraghty fielding ball]

Brooklyn Dodgers infielder Ben Geraghty fielding ball in publicity shot at unknown location.

[Ben Geraghty in dugout]

Brooklyn Dodgers infielder Ben Geraghty standing in dugout and looking into camera with one foot raised.

[Ben Wade in dugout]

Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Ben Wade posing with one leg raised in dugout before game at Ebbets Field; partial view of one player behind him;...

[Bert Griffith]

Brooklyn Dodgers outfielder Bert Griffith posing on field outlined by continuous row of buildings; other players in background; location...

[Bert Hamric and family]

Pinch hitter Bert Hamric sitting on sofa with wife and four young children, reading (presumably) of his acquistion by the...

[Bert Hamric in running stance]

Pinch hitter Bert Hamric crouching in running stance and wearing uniform of minor league St. Paul Saints, presumably...

[Bill Antonello against indistinct background]

Brooklyn Dodgers and minor league outfielder Bill Antonello smiling into camera...

[Bill Antonello in batting stance]

Brooklyn Dodgers and minor league outfielder Jack Elkins posing in batting stance in outfield at Ebbets Field;...

[Bill Lohrman]

Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Bill Lohrman leaning forward in pitcher's follow-through, probably as warm-up exercixe before game; players and fans...

[Billy Loes at train station]

Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Billy Loes in street clothes and shoulder bag, bending over to pick up suitcase, apparently in...

[Billy Loes holding baseball out]

Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Billy Loes standing in dugout, probably at Ebbets Field, and holding baseball with...

[Billy Loes in dugout]

Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Billy Loes, baseball in one hand, baseball glove in other, leaning forward in dugout and smiling.

[Billy Loes in pitcher's wind-up]

Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Billy Loes with left leg raised in pitcher's wind-up, probably before game at Ebbets...

[Billy Loes in pitcher's wind-up]

Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Billy Loes with left leg raised in pitcher's wind-up, probably before game at Ebbets...

[Billy Loes with arms raised over head]

Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Billy Loes before game at Ebbets Field, with arms raised over head in pitcher's...

[Billy Loes with Preacher Roe]

Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Billy Loes (seated, left) posing with Dodgers pitcher Preacher Roe (standing, right) in dugout at...

[Billy Loes with Rex Barney]

One of two prints from same photograph of Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Billy Loes standing in dugout of Ebbets Field, with...

[Billy Loes with Rex Barney]

One of two prints from same photograph of Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher Billy Loes standing in dugout of Ebbets Field, with...