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Results 231 - 240 of 807


[Surf Avenue Coney Island.]

Surf Avenue Coney Island. Spodek Roofing Co., Aluminum Products (right) Gem Lumber show room/ (left). Ocean Spray House, Furnished rooms, apts.

[Sheepshead Bay Road.]

Sheepshead Bay Road. Furer's Drug Store at left.

[Sheepshead Bay Road.]

Sheepshead Bay Road. Rudy's (at right) is #1631 Sheepshead Bay Road. Furer's Drugs "The Oldest Established Drug Store in Sheepshead/ Bay."

[Avenue Z, corner of E. 16th Street at far left.]

Avenue Z, corner of E. 16th Street at far left. Amazon Aquarium (Dogs Boarded + Groomed"), pet shop on corner. At center is #1518 Avenue Z. At right, #1516 Avenue Z.

[Norman Cleaners.]

Norman Cleaners (right) Dave's Luncheon (left) on cor. Avenue Z and E. 18th Street. Avenue Z side only showing. Sheepshead Bay area.

[Northeast corner of Clinton Street and Nelson Street.]

Northeast corner of Clinton Street and Nelson Street.

[East side of Clinton Street looking north.]

East side of Clinton Street looking north. North-east corner of Clinton Street and Luquer Street at right. #527 Clinton Street on corner - an Italian-American Grocery.

[Northwest corner of Court Street and Garnet Street.]

Northwest corner of Court Street and Garnet Street. Court Street at right.

[Northwest corner of Butler Street.]

Northwest corner of Butler Street (left) and Hoyt Street.

[West side of Hoyt Street.]

West side of Hoyt Street between Baltic and Butler Streets.