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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Storefronts
[Bushwick street scene] Bushwick street scene showing cars (parked and driving), storefronts, specifically Al's Bargain and the Knickerbocker Professional Arts Building, and groups of pedestrians. Stores appear to be... |
[Destroyed building next to Ruth & Sam Book Shop] Ruth & Sam Book Shop, showing the adjacent building completely destroyed--it is a pile of debris. The metal shutters of Ruth & Sam Book Shop are drawn and grafitti has been written on them... |
[Bushwick street scene underneath the elevated train] Bushwick street scene underneath the elevated train. The storefronts--a clothing store,a furniture store, and one with no sign--have all been destroyed and each has its metal shutters drawn. There... |
[Central Suprette] View of the "Central Suprette, Inc." on a street corner. The Suprette is opened, though two of its metal shutters are drawn. The sign has three Coca Cola advertisments on it. A black and white dog... |
[Bushwick street scene] Image shows a white truck parked alongside store fronts under the elevated train. A man is walking on the sidewalk and another is walking in the middle of the street. |
[Bushwick street scene] Image is of a street underneath the elevated train and shows three parked cars, store fronts (names are indecipherable), and several people walking on the sidewalk. |
[Rubble in front of two storefronts] Destruction in front of two store fronts: Mr. T HairCutters and Ruth & Sam Book Shop. The corner in front of Ruth & Sam Book Shop is cordoned off by what appear to be police barricades.... |
[Bushwick storefronts with rubble outside] Mr. T HairCutters and Ruth & Sam Book Shop, which has its metal shutters drawn. There is rubble outside of the stores and a destroyed building in the background. |
[Bushwick street intersection] An intersection with several cars and a person wearing yellow in the background. The photo also captures the many boarded-up storefronts and a building that appears to be abandoned. |
[Abandoned town house and storefront] Side view of a corner building on Gates Avenue that appears to be abandoned. Windows are boarded-up and graffiti covers the lower level. Ridgewood Roofing, which is on the street level, seems to... |