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Results 201 - 210 of 1290


[View looking South along Ridge Boulevard.]

View looking South along Ridge Boulevard from 77th Street. New Narrows-Verrazzano Bridge in background

[Ridge Boulevard.]

Ridge Boulevard - east side between 76th and 77th Streets n.e. Corner of 76th Street at far left.

[North side of 74th Street.]

North side of 74th Street west of Ridge Boulevard.

[North side of 74th Street looking east.]

North side of 74th Street looking east. (Between Ridge Boulevard and Third Avenue).

[View of north side of 74th Street looking east.]

View of north side of 74th Street looking east. Third Avenue crosses at center right.

[North side of 74th Street just west of Third Avenue.]

North side of 74th Street just west of Third Avenue. View looking East toward Third Avenue.

[North side of Clark Street.]

North side of Clark Street looking east toward Fulton Street, Brooklyn Heights.

[Ryerson Street.]

Ryerson Street. #231 Ryerson Street is at center of snapshot.

[#315 Washington Avenue.]

#315 Washington Avenue (east side of Avenue, between DeKalb Avenue & Lafayette Avenue- nearer to DeKalb Avenue).

[View of east side of Fourth Avenue looking north.]

View of east side of Fourth Avenue looking north. Taken from near 100th Street. Narrows Coffee Shop, 10001 Fourth Avenue per tel. dir (1963).