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[West side of Clermont Avenue.]

West side of Clermont Avenue between DeKalb Avenue and Willoughby Avenue #268 Clermont Avenue (left). #266 Clermont Avenue (center). #264 Clermont Avenue (at right).

[West side of Clermont Avenue.]

West side of Clermont Avenue between DeKalb Avenue and Lafayette Avenue #286 Clermont Avenue at right, with a portion of #284 Clermont Avenue showing at far right. Portion of #290 Clermont Avenue...

[Luncheonette At #218 DeKalb Avenue (right).]

Luncheonette At #218 DeKalb Avenue (right). Apts. in same building also #218 DeKalb Avenue #220 DeKalb Avenue (with stairway) at left center. At far left is part of Apicella & Sons Sea Food...

[Building at southwest corner of Waverly Avenue and DeKalb Avenue.]

Building at southwest corner of Waverly Avenue and DeKalb Avenue; Waverly Avenue side showing. Building is #290 DeKalb Avenue, offered for sale by Allen + Binder Inc., 585 Nostrand Avenue.

[Northeast corner of Carlton Avenue and DeKalb Avenue.]

Northeast corner of Carlton Avenue and DeKalb Avenue. Stairway at far left is entrance to #267 Carlton Avenue. A portion of #265 is showing just beyond, at edge of picture.

[#211 DeKalb Avenue.]

#211 DeKalb Avenue. North east corner of DeKalb Avenue & Adelphi Street (Eunice Hairdressing & Mr. James "scissor wizard") P. Verdi, barbershop, lower right hand corner./

[Near north east corner of Adelphi Street and DeKalb Avenue.]

Near north east corner of Adelphi Street and DeKalb Avenue. #261 Adelphi Street at far left, "Ladies Taylor Shop" and Maritime Press.

[North east corner of Washington Avenue and DeKalb Avenue.]

North east corner of Washington Avenue and DeKalb Avenue. #301-303 Washington Avenue #301 at left.

[Ryerson Street.]

Ryerson Street. #233 Ryerson Street at far/ left. #235 Ryerson Street at right, with a small portion of #231 Ryerson Street, showing upper left. These buildings are being demolished (Jan. 1958)

[North west corner of Hall Street & Willoughby Avenue.]

North west corner of Hall Street & Willoughby Avenue. Entrance to 155 Willoughby Avenue at left. 159-161 Willoughby Avenue rt. center..