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[Part of #176 Columbia Heights at right.] Part of #176 Columbia Heights at right. Part of #184 Columbia Heights at left. |
[N.E. corner of Dumont Avenue.] N.E. corner of Dumont Avenue (rt.) and Jerome Street (left). |
[N.E. corner of Dumont Avenue.] N.E. corner of Dumont Avenue and Barbey Street. |
[Northwest corner of Hegeman Avenue (side showing) and Rockaway Avenue.] Northwest corner of Hegeman Avenue (side showing) and Rockaway Avenue. |
[North side of New Lots Avenue (right).] North side of New Lots Avenue (right.) Northeast corner of Powell Street and New Lots Avenue at left-center. |
[Northeast corner of Flushing Avenue and Bushwick Avenue.] Northeast corner of Flushing Avenue and Bushwick Avenue. |
[Theill Luncheonette.] Theill Luncheonette, Flushing Avenue at corner of Flushing Avenue and Humboldt Street. |
[#24 Sumner Place Brooklyn, L.I.] #24 Sumner Place Brooklyn, L.I. |
[Corner of Flushing Avenue and Morrell Street.] Corner of Flushing Avenue and Morrell Street. Bushwick Houses being built. |
Coney Island Rendering (drawing) of proposed (?) Coney Island housing development; five high-rise (14-story) apartment houses, small apartment houses in right foreground and background, intersecting streets... |