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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Apartment houses
[Man and elderly woman] A man eating a hot dog, sitting at a picnic table with an elderly woman. The attractions of Coney Island are visible behind them. |
[Killer 619] Writing in the sand at Coney Island. |
[View from Stillwell Ave station] The view from the Stillwell Avenue subway station at Coney Island. The Thunderbolt, Parachute Jump, and Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs are all visible. |
[Three boys in a car] Three boys in a car in Coney Island. |
[Northwest corner of Pierrepont and Henry Streets.] Northwest corner of Pierrepont (left) and Henry Streets, Brooklyn. (160 Henry Street). |
[Corner of Willoughby Street.] Corner of Willoughby Street (left) and Duffield Street. Church in background is St. Boniface R.C. Church on Duffield Street. |
[Majestic Hotel.] Majestic Hotel, 230 Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. |
[View of west side of Henry Street.] View of west side of Henry Street between Clinton Street and Clark Street. |
[West side of Hicks Street looking north.] West side of Hicks Street looking north. Taken from near corner of Middagh Street. |
[Northwest corner of Hicks Street.] Northwest corner of Hicks Street (right) and Middagh Street looking north along Hicks Street. |