Hospital patients

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Joy of learning

Three images in two different sizes. Caption (0628): Joy of learning--As great an accomplishment as climbing a mountain, writing a novel, or landing...

Junior will go to camp

Caption: "Junior will go to camp--Veteran Arnold Bromberg, 25, of 2116 84th St., who is confined to the Manhattan Beach Veterans...

Kiwanians play Santa

Caption: "Kiwanians play Santa--Members of the Bush Terminal Kiwanis Club visit Norwegian Hospital, 4th Ave. and 46th St., to cheer up...

Largest outing ever

Caption: "Largest outing ever--Young patients leave St. Charles Hospital, 277 Hicks St., for largest one-day outing to be held anywhere....

Learn by doing

Caption: "Learn by doing--Caring for young patients in pediatric room of Jewish Hospital are student nurses Eleanor Pashkovsky and Regina Rubin....

Learning to walk on crutches

Caption: "Learning to walk on crutches in the future has no apparent connection with planing wood in fashioning a doll house...

Leave us go root for the Dodgers!

Caption:"Leave us go root for the Dodgers!--Alfred C. McKenzie, right, vice chairman of the 1953 compaign of the...

Legion post helps vets

Caption: "Legion post helps vets--Commander Dan Zimmerman, left, of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Post, American Legion, receives...

Leisure hours

Caption: "Leisure hours are never wasted by 6-year-old Johnny Galon, constantly helped by therapist Eileen Kail in improving his muscular...

Let's play doctor

Caption: "Let's play doctor--At 'Alice in Wonderland Party' given by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pressman, right for polio shut-in children of St....

Lives after record temporature
Lives by Red Cross blood

Caption: "Lives by Red Cross blood--Louis, 12-year-old Brooklyn boy, getting his 204th pint of blood at Kings County Hospital. He...

Long distance visit from Santa

Caption: "Long distance visit from Santa--Young patients at St. Charles Orthopedic Hospital, 277 Hicks St., are...

Lovely bunch of shamrocks

Caption: "Lovely bunch of shamrocks--Presenting an Irish bouquet fo Thomas J. McNamara, World War I veteran, at Fort Hamilton [...

Making the children happy

Caption: "Making the children happy--The smiles on the faces of these young patients at Brooklyn Hospital, 121 De Kalb Ave., are...

Making the grade

Caption: "Making the grade--Dr. Anna C. Sullivan, principal of Public School 401, awards a grade school diploma to Ina Lerner, 14, of 96 Clymer St...

Marine Pfc William Shannon

Caption: "Marine Pfc William Shannon tried his hand at painting."


Caption: "Matinee--Little patients of the House of St. Giles the Cripple at 1346 President St., receive with appreciation the performance of entertainers from...

Measuring the heart

Caption: "Measuring the heart--Technicians check equipment which measures the pressure and X-rays the heart by means of a hollow tube...

Merry Christmas

Caption: "Merry Christmas--These little patients at the House of St. Giles the Cripple are on this year's Christmas card of the institution,...

Merry Christmas from Brooklyn's longshoremen

Caption: "Merry Christmas from Brooklyn's longshoremen--Sister Mary William tries out...

Miriam Klein Research Foundation

Caption: "Members of the Miriam Klein Research Foundation presented toys to the young patients of the Jewish...

Mother Lucia and Fireman William J. Tracey

Caption: "Down Long Island to Port Jefferson, down the main road and up a steep hill on...

Music has charms

Caption: "Music has charms to ease tensions of hospitalized veterans, recondition arm and finger muscles, speed complete recovery. Photo gives...

Musical gift

Caption: "Musical gift--At presentation ceremonies in the Fort Hamilton V. A. Hospital [i.e. Fort Hamilton Veterans Hospital], where a piano was...

Navy chapel dedication

Caption: "Navy chapel dedication--The Most Rev. James E. Kearney, Roman Catholic Bishop of Rochester, leading procession to bless...

New attack on cancer

Caption: "new attack on cancer--The X-ray machine pictured here is one of two new 'moving beam' type of X-ray therapy units installed in...

No doctors needed

Caption: "No doctors needed--If an apple a day keeps the medics away, these kids will not need one for a long time. They were present when a...

No TV this

Caption: "No TV this--Showing on the screen the motion picture film that is reeled upon the projector inside the cabinet, this gadget was obtained for $540.76...

Norwegian Hospital School of Nursing

Caption: "Senior nursing students of the Norwegian Hospital School of Nursing, Brooklyn, N. Y., touring...

Open Chronic Diseases Month

Caption: "Open Chronic Diseases Month--Isaac Albert, president of Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital for Chronic Diseases,...

P. S. 9 pays a visit

Caption: "P. S. 9 pays a visit--Carolers from Public School 9, Sterling Place and Vanderbilt Ave., who have been presenting programs at...

Part-time job

Caption: "Part-time job--Laboratory work is undertaken by one of the patients of the Brooklyn Thoracic Hospital as a part of his rehabilitation...

Patient on the mend

Caption: "Patient on the mend--Ruth Willing, a member of the patients' dressmaking class at the Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital for Chronic...

Patients at work

Caption:"Patients at work--In the busy workshop, patients master arts and crafts to strengthen muscles and co-ordination and to learn pre-...


Caption: "Prestidigitation--John Mueller, a magician of 518 8th Ave., shows children of St. Charles Hospital the egg trick at annual party...