Apartment dwellers

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Children not wanted

Mother and seven-year-old daughter seated close together on arm chair and reading eviction notice held by mother; window blinds and...

Find refuge in a church

Three blonde girls seated on cot and drinking milk, watched over by Episcopal priest and the girls' parents. Caption on verso: "Find...

First for Farragut

Mother on step ladder receiving canned goods from her two daughters to place in kitchen cabinets. Caption on verso: "First for Farragut: Mrs....

First Kingsview apartment buyers

Six men in suits and one woman grasping hands in celebration of sales for future housing project on site...

First tenants get keys to Brevoort Houses

Three men and one woman standing in front of door at housing project in Bedford-Stuyvesant....

Forced out on street

Mother (seated) and son (standing) with a pile of bedding, furniture, and other belongings on street; onlookers in right background; sign...

He came, he saw, he laid a cornerstone

Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia autographing notebook and wielding trowell at opening of housing project bound...

He came, he saw, he laid a cornerstone

Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia autographing notebook and wielding trowell at opening of housing project...

Homeless family

Mother with two daughters, white dog, and baby in carriage in front of police station. Caption on verso: "Homeless Family: Photo shows Mrs. Viola...

Lights Out for Project Veterans

Mother attending to crying baby on bed; four other children standing at bedside. Caption on verso: "Lights Out for...

No place to go

Young married couple seated in unknown location, with one child on father's lap and another asleep in stroller before mother; location unknown....

Out on the street

Family of seven, some crying, seen from above with their belongings on sidewalk. Caption on verso: "Out on the Street: Most of the Dutton family...

Passive resistance

Three mothers standing with five children outside apartment buiding in Manhattan Beach; man looking off to side at left. Caption on verso...

Pioneer methods

Mother playfully pouring water over the head of her naked daughter, who reacts with grimace, in the kitchen of their apartment in housing project...


Large crowd of men, women, and children (some smiling) standing infront of columned arches of court building (since demolished) in downtown Brooklyn....

They need a home

Mother seated on tattered chair, surrounded by six children; location unknown. Caption on verso: "They Need a Home: Mrs. Catherine Johnsen is...

Three in one

Family of four having meal in apartment in housing project built as temporary housing for veterans in Manhattan Beach. Caption on verso: "Three in One:...

Victims of housing mess

Mother holding baby in her lap; older boy at her side; refrigerator and kitchen applicances in background. Caption on verso: "...

[Evicted family]

Family fighting eviction in and outside apartment at 3025 Brighton 3rd Street. Caption and title on verso : "Open Door Policy: Michael and Susan...

[Evicted family]

Family fighting eviction in and outside apartment at 3025 Brighton 3rd Street. Caption and title on verso: "Locked Out: Mr. Arnold Melani...

[Evicted family]

Family fighting eviction in and outside apartment at 3025 Brighton 3rd Street. Caption and title on verso: "No Cooking with Gas: Mrs. Arnold...