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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Houses
[Gate to the Perry house] Gate to the Perry house, at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. |
[Gate to the Perry house] Gate to the Perry house, at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. |
Sheepshead Boat, Rockaway Point Houses Sightseers viewing the Rockaway Point houses and Queens shoreline from a boat deck. |
[Cruikshanks residence, Flatbush] Cruikshanks residence viewed from street, Flatbush; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [stamped in black ink on label on recto]; 49 [written in ink on label on recto] |
Mollie's baby Mollie's baby, being pushed in stroller by a woman, surrounded by three men; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [stamped in black ink on label on recto]; 50 [written in ink on label on recto] |
J. Lott's Piazza Group posing on J. Lott's piazza, centered around woman in rocking chair; Labor Day 1887 [written in pen on label on recto]; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [stamped in black ink on label on recto]; 51 [... |
[Workers at a construction site] Three men from the Knights of Labor, posing in front of a construction site with shovels and hod carriers; HWS [written in pen on label on recto]; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [stamped in black ink on... |
[Bergen House, Brooklyn] Bergen House, as viewed from street; MARTENSE [stamped in black ink on label on recto]; 2A [written in ink on label on recto] |
[Horse-drawn cart] Man driving Flatbush Parlor Bakery's horse-drawn food cart hawking breads, cakes and pies at Caton and Ocean Avenue; H.S.S. [written in pen on label on recto]; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR [stamped... |
[House by water] Man on porch of Martense house, viewed from a distance; Our House [written in pen on label on recto]; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [stamped in black ink on label on recto]; 47 [written in ink on label... |