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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Wood buildings
[Woman and children in front of wood fram building] Woman and fourteen children on steps in front of a wood frame [school?] building. |
[Residential street corner] Residential street corner with wood frame houses, flagpole, and picket fence. |
[Woodframe house and picket fence] Two story wood frame house with a porch. Includes yard and picket fence. |
[Two women and some children on steps] Two women and some children on the steps of a wood frame [school?] building. The children are of a similar age; possibly it's a class photo. This is the same group in photo v1985.4.39 . |
[Two women and some children on steps] Two women and some children on the steps of a wood frame [school?] building. The children are of a similar age; possibly it's a class photo. This is the same group in photo v1985.4.39 . |
[Woman and children in front of frame building] [Inscription on envelope by BHS: Woman & children in front of frame (school?) house.] |
[North side of High Street] North side of High Street, between Washington Street and Adams Street. Taken from Adams Street. |
[325-327 Adams Street] East side of Adams Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows the side of 28 Myrtle Avenue and front of 325 - 327 Adams Street. |
[The Old Emmanuel House building] The Old House Cor. Myrtle Ave/& Steuben St-Fore(runner) of E.H. [written on recto]View of the old Emmanuel House at the corner of Myrtle Ave. and Steuben St. in Brooklyn, N.Y. The House then... |