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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Toy stores
[N.W. cor. of 65th Street.] N.W. cor. of 65th Street (at left) and 11th Avenue. View of west side of 11th Avenue between 64th and 65th Streets. |
[East side of Smith Street.] East side of Smith Street looking north. Northeast corner of Warren Street and Smith Street ("Jack's Toys") at far right. |
[View of Church Avenue.] View of Church Avenue between Flatbush Avenue & Bedford Avenue. |
[Kings Highway.] Kings Highway looking northwest toward corner of E. 9th Street & Kings Highway (between Coney Island Avenue and E. 9th Street) Andre coiffeurs Rozart furnishing/ Jack's toys. |
[Southeast corner of Kings Highway.] Southeast corner of Kings Highway at E. 19th Street. Hessing [sic] Toymart Avalon Pharmacy, 1902 Kings Highway Edw. Hessing, 1904 Kings Highway. |
[Aerial view of street scene] Aerial view of a street in Bushwick adjacent to the elevated rail. There are many groups of pedestrians as well as store and restaurant signs for "toys", "burgers", "cigarettes". |
[Bushwick street scene] A few people walking on a mostly empty street in Bushwick, underneath the elevated subway. The stores lining the street, including a toy store, are shuttered. |