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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Townhouses (Attached houses)
[Storefronts in Bushwick] Street view underneath the elevated train. The photo shows storefronts with the following signs: "...Bargains Kent", "Young Folks: Togs for Tots", "...Shoes, Inc.",... |
[Damaged townhouses] Photo of damaged townhouses. A women is walking by, with her head turned toward the houses. A metal gate has been erected to guard the street level entrances, which have been boarded up with wood... |
[Storefronts along Central Avenue] The storefront and townhouses along Central Avenue, close to the intersection with Menahan Street. The photo captures the following signs: "Cirillo Brothers" "custom painting", "breaks tune-up" "... |
[Back view of a damaged townhouse] Back view of a heavily damaged townhouse. All windows are missing or have been broken and the foundations of the two bay windows has been completely destroyed. The bricks look charred, as though... |
[Bushwick street scene] Bushwick street scene with a"no parking" sign in the foreground, in front of a row of cars. There are groups of pedestrians in the street and in the background is a row of townhouses and... |
[Bushwick street] Street shot that shows a damaged row of towhouses with missing windows and fire damage and storefronts. A group of men sits outside a supermarket on the street level that has its metal shutters... |
[Side view of damaged townhouses] Side view of townhouses, including one that has been badly damaged by fire--it's exterior is almost entirely blackened and the brick is missing in places. On one townhouse is a sign for "Malen" or... |
[Neighbors interacting] A row of townhouses with several groups of people sitting or standing on the steps or nearby on the street. Many of the neighbors seem to be talking with one another and there are several children... |
[Bushwick sidewalk] A sidewalk view with townhouses and a larger, more official-looking building (seen elsewhere in this collection) in the background. There is debris on the street and one of the townhouses appears... |
[Townhouses in Bushwick] View of a row of townhouses with cars parked on the street outside. The buildings show some signs of damage as many windows and some doors appear to be missing. |