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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Synagogues
[North side of Clarkson Avenue.] North side of Clarkson Avenue between Flatbush Avenue and Bedford Avenue Congregation Avahath Israel, no. 75 Clarkson Avenue in background. |
[North side of Woodruff Avenue.] North side of Woodruff Avenue, looking east. Congregation Ahavath Achim (#151-153 Woodruff Avenue); Lee Claire Apts., #155 Woodruff Avenue at right of it. |
[Looking north along East 15th Street towards corner of Avenue J (at far left).] Looking north along East 15th Street towards corner of Avenue J (at far left.) #1013 (first building at right) is Taharath Israel of Flatbush. |
[Synagogue at n.e. cor. 81st Street.] Synagogue at n.e. cor. 81st Street & 4th Avenue (81st Street at right). |
[Brighton Beach Post Office.] Brighton Beach Post Office Coney Island Avenue. |
[Congregation Bnai Jacob.] Congregation Bnai Jacob, on no. side of Kings Highway between E. 3rd Street and Macdonald Avenue. |
[Two firetrucks] Two F.D.N.Y. fire trucks outside a church or synagogue and an adjacent building that has been destroyed. Two men stand outside the trucks and the hoses are connected but do not seem to be on.... |
[Surveying a construction site] Two men survey a construction site with their backs facing the camera. The site is a pit filled with rubble and debris. The building adjacent to the pit appears to be of a religious nature, either... |
[Synagogue or Jewish home] View of a building that appears to be a synagogue or Jewish home, per the sign on the building. |