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[West side of Court Street.] West side of Court Street. Northwest corner of State Street at far right. Court Street between Atlantic Avenue and State Street. |
[Northwest corner of 66th Street and 6th Avenue.] Northwest corner of 66th Street and 6th Avenue. |
[North side of 73rd Street between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue.] North side of 73rd Street between 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue, looking east toward the northwest corner of 7th Avenue and 73rd Street. |
[North side of Church Avenue.] North side of Church Avenue between E. 21st Street and Flatbush Avenue looking east. Corner of Flatbush Avenue at far right. 2108 Frances Town & Country Clothes, 2123 Church Avenue (Ids... |
[View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station.] View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station. Wernick's Furn & Carriage Store 1519 Sheepshead Bay Road. |
[View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station.] View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station. Carl's Cafe 1504 Sheepsehad Bay Road. |
[Northeast corner of Ovington Avenue and 5th Avenue.] Northeast corner of Ovington Avenue and 5th Avenue. |
[View above Newkirk Avenue BMT station.] View above Newkirk Avenue BMT station Bernhardt Florist, 10 Newkirk Plaza. |
[South side of Clark Street.] South side of Clark Street, looking east toward corner of Fulton Street. |
[S.W. corner of Argyle Road and Cortelyou Road.] S.W. corner of Argyle Road and Cortelyou Road (left) Artcraft Tailors, 1216 Cortelyou Road per tel. dir. |