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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Sports
4 results
Jas. Clarke Jas. Clarke [written on recto]Portrait of man (Jas. possibly short for James) in sports attire in front of multiple trophies. |
[Emmanuel House Basketball Team] CHAS. BESELER CO./NEW YORK. [recto] Photography from the Chas. (short for Charles) Beseler Company of the Emmanuel House Basketball Team. |
[Baseball Game at Pratt Athletic Field] Pratt Ath. Field [written on recto].View of a baseball game at the Pratt Athletic Field |
[Brooklyn Photographs: Prospect Park] A photo of a steep hill covered in snow and a large group of people sledding and observing in Prospect Park. FOTO DATE: JAN., 1978 POST A PHOTO U.S. Patent No. 3,875,861 Post Card PLACE STAMP HERE... |