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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Shrubs
[Forsythia by Church of the Holy Trinity.] Forsythia by Church of the Holy Trinity, corner of Montague Street & Clinton Street. |
[Forsythia by Church of the Holy Trinity.] Forsythia by Church of the Holy Trinity, Montague Street. |
[Forsythia by Church of the Holy Trinity.] Forsythia by Church of the Holy Trinity, Montague Street. |
[Church of the Holy Trinity.] Church of the Holy Trinity, Montague Street & Clinton Street. |
[Forsythia, Church of the Holy Trinity.] Forsythia, Church of the Holy Trinity, corner of Montague Street & Clinton Street. |
Old House on Mill Lane Old house on Mill Lane / Flatlands [handwritten on verso]. |
Wyckoff House Wyckoff House. E. 19th St. / Between Kings Highway + Ave Q. / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd [handwritten on verso]. |
[Old House on 53rd Street] Old House. 53rd St. Flatlands [handwritten on verso]. |
[Old House on the corner of Jamaica Avenue] Old house cor. Jamaica Avenue + Elton St. / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd. |
Riker Homestead Riker Homestead / Bowery Bay / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd [handwritten on verso]. |