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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Rowing

3 results


[Two men in a rowboat]

Nelson and Prince, in rowboat, one rows while the other examines the contents of a [tackle?] box; H.S.S. [written in pen on label on recto]; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [stamped in black ink on label...

[Men and women rowing in Prospect Park]

Men and women rowing by Rustic Shelter in Prospect Park; HWS [written on label on recto]; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [stamped in black ink on label on recto]; 29 [written in ink on label on recto]...

[Row boats in Prospect Park]

Men and women in row boats in Prospect Park; HWS [written in pen on label on recto]; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [stamped in black ink on label on recto]; 32 [written in ink on label on recto]