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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Residential streets
A Rainy Day View of an unidentified residential street on a rainy day. Includes historic houses, the sidewalks, a fire hydrant, and the trees reflecting in the water on the street. ("A Rainy Day") [... |
[Northeast corner of Willow Street and Middagh Street.] Northeast corner of Willow Street and Middagh Street. #23 Middagh Street (right) #15 Willow Street (left). |
[Southwest corner of Clinton Street and Livingston Street.] Southwest corner of Clinton Street and Livingston Street. |
[West side of Bridge Street.] West side of Bridge Street between Myrtle Avenue and Johnson Street - old houses. |
[#89 Logan Street, Brooklyn L.I.] #89 Logan Street, Brooklyn L.I. |
[#86 Logan Street, Brooklyn L.I.] #86 Logan Street, Brooklyn L.I. |
[#933 70th Street.] #933 70th Street. |
[N. East Corner of 7th Avenue.] N. East Corner of 7th Avenue (at left) and 71st Street looking northeast. |
[Southeast corner of 9th Avenue.] Southeast corner of 9th Avenue and 62nd Street (far left). Ninth Avenue side showing. |
[West side of 7th Avenue.] West side of 7th Avenue between 67th and 68th Street, looking north. |