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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Red Hook (New York, N.Y.)

Results 1 - 10 of 25


[View of west side of Henry Street.]

View of west side of Henry Street between Coles Street and Hamilton Avenue.

[West side of Columbia Street.]

West side of Columbia Street between Commerce Street and Seabring Street.

[Southwest corner of Columbia Street.]

Southwest corner of Columbia Street (side showing) and Coles Street

[Northwest corner of Commerce Street.]

Northwest corner of Commerce Street (left) and Columbia Street looking north West side of Columbia Street between Commerce Street and Seabring Street.

[Houses on northside of Summit Street.]

Houses on northside of Summit Street between Hamilton Avenue and Columbia Street. 5 Summit Street at far left.

[North side of Luquer Street.]

North side of Luqueer [sic] Street between Hicks Street and Columbia Street.

[Southwest corner of Court Street.]

Southwest corner of Court Street and Hamilton Avenue.

[Red Hook Play Center on Bay Street.]

Red Hook Play Center on Bay Street between Clinton Street and Henry Street.

[View of north side of Luqueer Street.]

View of north side of Luqueer Street between Hicks Street and Columbia Street.

[View of north side of Luquer Street.]

View of north side of Luquer Street between Hicks and Columbia Streets.