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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Recreation facilities
[Recreational facility] View of concrete recreational facility from above. Beyond the fence, we see a group of people sitting and standing around, though the view is partially blocked by a tree. |
[Recreational center] A concrete recreational center surrounded by a fence. A group of people sit and linger on or near benches and there are two children on swings in the background. A few pedestrians are walking by... |
[Yard next to recreational facility] The yard adjacent to the concrete recreational facility. The yard is filled with stones and debris. In the background, we can see some people inside the fence surrounding the center and in the... |
[Yard] Image shows a yard--which might be adjacent to the recreational facility seen in other photos in this collection--scattered with garbage and debris. In the background is a fence (possibly... |
[Recreational facility] A concrete, fenced-in, recreational area. A group of people sits outside a small stand or hut, whose windows are boarded up and several other people are in the area as well. In the background is a... |