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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Railroad locomotives
[Railroad tracks in front of Hotel Brighton before the move] Workers standing at railroad tracks in front of Hotel Brighton, having prapared to move it; "All Ready" [written in pen on label on recto]; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [stamped in black ink on label... |
[Men preparing locamotive for Hotel Brighton move] Men standing, talking in front of railroad locamotive at moving of Hotel Brighton, with workers in the background; "Didn't She Pull!" [written in pen on label on verso]; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [... |
[Men making preparations to move Hotel Brighton] Gentlemen and railroad workers preparing rope and locomotive to move Hotel Brighton; Tightening Rope [written in pen on label on verso]; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [stamped in black ink on label on... |
[Spectators at move of Hotel Brighton] Men and children standing in front of locomotive as it moves Hotel Brighton; "Say Boss: She's amovin" [written in pen on label on recto]; "Say Boss! She's a moving" AM [written in pen on label on... |
[Workers securing rope on railroad locomotive at move of Hotel Brighton] Workers securing rope on railroad locomotive at moving of Hotel Brighton as crowd looks on; Overhauling Tackle [written in pen on label on recto]; A. V. MARTENSE, AMATEUR. [stamped in black ink on... |