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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Printers
[Adams Street north of Tillary Street] Adams Street, north of Tillary Street. Shows 250 - ? Adams Street. |
[250-246 Adams Street] Northeast corner of Adams Street and Tillary Street. Shows 246 - 250 Adams Street. |
[303-309 Adams Street] East side of Adams Street, north of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 303 - 309 Adams Street. |
[Adams Street north of Myrtle Avenue] East side of Adams Street, north of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 303 - 309 Adams Street. |
[North side of Atlantic Avenue.] North side of Atlantic Avenue between Court Street and Smith Street. At left, #233-235 Atlantic Avenue. Haggar Swiss Embroideries and printing shop here. At right, Criollo Social Club (upstairs... |
[Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.] Montague Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. North side of street between Henry Street and Clinton Street. |
[Henry Street between Montague Street and Remsen Street (west side of street).] Henry Street between Montague Street and Remsen Street (west side of street). Doorway at left is marked as "124 Montague." Just to the right of it is Interboro Print Shop, 198 Henry Street ( "on... |
[George I. Vickers Printing Co., #943 Fulton Street is at right.] George I. Vickers Printing Co., #943 Fulton Street is at right. Door to right of shop is entrance to apartments at #943. To the left, in the same building is #941, both apartments and a second... |
[At left: #941 Fulton Street. ] At left: #941 Fulton Street. At right: (George I. Vickers Printing Co.) at #943 Fulton Street (in same building). |
[East side of Lawrence Street. Brooklyn Press (Printing) at left, #59 Lawrence Street.] East side of Lawrence Street. Brooklyn Press (Printing) at left, #59 Lawrence Street. |