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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Police

Results 1 - 10 of 11


[Robert F. Kennedy in a crowd]

Robert F. Kennedy in a crowd and procession of police officers and an automoblie. A crowd of spectators watching.

Memorial Day [parade]

Police officer on a horse and a military salute, as part of the Memorial Day parade, in front of the Brooklyn Public Library.

Memorial Day [parade]

Crowds and the parade stand viewing the Memorial Day parade passing by the Brooklyn Public Library on Eastern Parkway. Includes policeman observing the crowd in the forefront.

Kennedy Memorial

Crowds and police officers gathered near the President John F. Kennedy Monument in Grand Army Plaza.

Memorial Day [parade]

Police processioners carrying flags in the Memorial Day parade, passing by the Grand Army Plaza entrance to Prospect Park.

Memorial Day [parade]

Crowds watch the Memorial Day parade flag procession passing by the Brooklyn Public Library on Eastern Parkway. Includes policeman observing the crowd in the forefront.

Memorial Day [parade]

Police processioners carrying flags in the Memorial Day parade, passing by the Grand Army Plaza entrance to Prospect Park.

Memorial Day [parade]

Police processioners carrying American flags in the Memorial Day parade, passing by the Grand Army Plaza entrance to Prospect Park.

Memorial Day [parade]

Police officer riding a horse next to a military salute, as part of the Memorial Day parade, in front of the Brooklyn Public Library.

Memorial Day [parade]

Crowds, parade stand and police officer view a military salute, as part of the Memorial Day parade, next to the Brooklyn Public Library on Eastern Parkway.