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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Pet shops
[East side of Nostrand Avenue.] East side of Nostrand Avenue between Sterling Street and Empire Boulevard looking north. Judy-N-Trudy womn's spclts 1017 Nostrand Avenue. |
[West side of Henry Street between Orange Street and Pineapple Street.] West side of Henry Street between Orange Street and Pineapple Street. Pam Pam Restaurant and Boro Pet Center, both at #78 Henry Street. The liquor store is at #80 Henry Street. |
[Southeast corner of Avenue J and East 12th Street.] Southeast corner of Avenue J and East 12th Street. Bea's Lunch, #1202 Avenue J on corner. |
[North side of Avenue M between East 17th Street and East 18th Street.] North side of Avenue M between East 17th Street and East 18th Street. |
[North side of 79th Street.] North side of 79th Street (north west corner of 3rd Avenue + 79th Street at far right). |
[Avenue Z, corner of E. 16th Street at far left.] Avenue Z, corner of E. 16th Street at far left. Amazon Aquarium (Dogs Boarded + Groomed"), pet shop on corner. At center is #1518 Avenue Z. At right, #1516 Avenue Z. |