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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Pedestrians
[49 Sands Street] Northeast corner of Adams Street and Sands Street. Shows 49 Sands Street. |
[Brooklyn Citizen Building] Brooklyn Citizen Building, at the northeast corner of Fulton Street and Willoughby Street. Adams Street is on the right, and Fulton Street is on the left. |
[393-399 Fulton Street] East side of Fulton Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 393 - 399 Fulton Street; 397 - 399 Fulton Street are in the Brooklyn Citizen Building. |
[389-395 Fulton Street] East side of Fulton Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 389 - 395 Fulton Street. |
[381-395 Fulton Street] East side of Fulton Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 381 - 395 Fulton Street. |
[351-357 Fulton Street] East side of Fulton Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 351 - 357 Fulton Street. |
[325-327 Adams Street] East side of Adams Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows the side of 28 Myrtle Avenue and front of 325 - 327 Adams Street. |
[1-5 Willoughby Street] Northeast corner of Adams Street and Willoughby Street. Shows 1 - 5 Willoughby Street. |
[The Old Emmanuel House building] The Old House Cor. Myrtle Ave/& Steuben St-Fore(runner) of E.H. [written on recto]View of the old Emmanuel House at the corner of Myrtle Ave. and Steuben St. in Brooklyn, N.Y. The House then... |
[East side of Rogers Avenue.] East side of Rogers Avenue between Church Avenue and Martense Street looking north. Corner of Church Avenue at right. |