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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, New York Naval Shipyard (New York, N.Y.)
[Yard worker in a telephone booth] Worker at the Brooklyn Navy Yard making a phone call, in a telephone booth. |
[Worker showing his badge] Naval yard worker at Brooklyn Navy Yard showing his badge to a woman behind the counter. |
[Workers getting on a bus] Workers gettin on a U.S. Navy bus at Brooklyn Navy Yard. |
[Workers buying lunch from a food truck ] Workers buying lunch at a food truck called the "Mobile Canteen" at Brooklyn Navy Yard. |
[Robert F. Kennedy at Brooklyn Navy Yard] Robert F. Kennedy at Brooklyn Navy Yard, during demonstrations. |
[Robert F. Kennedy at Brooklyn Navy Yard] Robert F. Kennedy at Brooklyn Navy Yard during demonstrations. |
[Robert F. Kennedy at Brooklyn Navy Yard] Robert F. Kennedy about to give a speech at Brooklyn Navy Yard. |
[Man in white suit jacket and sunglasses at Brooklyn Navy Yard] Man in white suit jacket and sunglasses standing in front of tankers at Brooklyn Navy Yard. |
[Robert F. Kennedy at Brooklyn Navy Yard] Robert F. Kennedy at Brooklyn Navy Yard, talking to unidentified persons. |
[Aerial view of Brooklyn Navy Yard] PhotoCraft Studios / Alan G. Angrist / 63-48 Woodhaven Blvd. / Rego Park 74, N. Y. / HA 6-6745 [written on verso]. Aerial view of Brooklyn Navy Yard. |