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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Naval stores

Results 1 - 10 of 22


[Inside Reliable and Frank's, Mike with his father]

Inside Reliable and Frank's Naval uniforms and military clothing store. Mike with his father.

[Inside Reliable and Frank's, Mike with his father and son.]

Inside Reliable and Frank's Naval uniforms and military clothing store. From left to right: Mike's father, Mike, and Mike's son [from Frank J. Trezza's notes].

[Inside Reliable and Frank's]

Inside Reliable and Frank's Naval uniforms and military clothing store. Mike helping a customer.

[Inside Reliable and Frank's, Mike's son with a young customer]

Inside Reliable and Frank's Naval uniforms and military clothing store. Mike's son with a young customer in a Navy uniform.

[Inside Reliable and Frank's, two customers]

Inside Reliable and Frank's Naval uniforms and military clothing store. Two customers looking at miitary uniforms.

[Inside Reliable and Frank's, Mike in the store]

Inside Reliable and Frank's Naval uniforms and military clothing store. Mike at the store.

[Inside Reliable and Frank's, Mike's son with a customer]

Inside Reliable and Frank's Naval uniforms and military clothing store. Mike's son with a young customer.

[Inside Reliable and Frank's, employee sewing a garment]

Inside Reliable and Frank's Naval uniforms and military clothing store, employee sewing a garment.

[Inside Reliable and Frank's, young customer in a Navy uniform]

Inside Reliable and Frank's Naval uniforms and military clothing store. A young customer in a Navy uniform.

[Inside Reliable and Frank's, Mike looking at a military uniform]

Inside Reliable and Frank's Naval uniforms and military clothing store. Mike looking at a military uniform.