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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Music education
3 results
[N.E. corner of Marlborough Road.] N.E. corner of Marlborough Road and Newkirk Avenue. Sandy's Hair Stylists, 1503 Newkirk Avenue per tel. dir. |
[Mabel Corey Watt School of Music at southeast corner of Newkirk Avenue and East 17th Street.] Mabel Corey Watt School of Music at southeast corner of Newkirk Avenue and East 17th Street - East 17th Street side showing. Signs say "For sale LI 1-6589" and "apartment for rent." |
[Mabel Corey Watt School of Music at southeast corner of Newkirk Avenue and East 17th Street.] Mabel Corey Watt School of Music at southeast corner of Newkirk Avenue and East 17th Street - Newkirk Avenue side showing. |