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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Markets
[West side of Clinton Street.] West side of Clinton Street. Northwest corner of Livingston Street and Clinton Street at left. |
[#140 Clinton Street (far right).] #140 Clinton Street (far right.) Northwest corner of Livingston Street and Clinton Street at far left. Offices of Horace Greeley, M.D. in building at center. |
[East side of Rogers Avenue.] East side of Rogers Avenue, between Maple Street and Midwood Street, looking south. |
[Montague Street from southwest corner of Henry Street.] Montague Street from southwest corner of Henry Street looking west along Montague Street. Karoff's Restaurant (at left) had been formerly Mammy's Pantry (name changed within the week preceding... |
[West side of Avenue H station.] West side of Avenue H station, BMT Brighton Line. View looking east. Nathan's Food-O-Rama, 1506 Avenue H per tel. dir. |
[Corner of Morgan Avenue.] Corner of Morgan Avenue (left) and Flushing Avenue. |
[East side of Lee Avenue looking towards corner of Heyward Street (right). ] East side of Lee Avenue looking towards corner of Heyward Street (right). |
[At far left, part of Kathleen's Beauty Salon, #443 Clermont Avenue.] At far left, part of Kathleen's Beauty Salon, #443 Clermont Avenue. The apartment to the right of it is also #443 Clermont Avenue. At left on corner is St. James Market, 31 Gates Avenue. Fulton... |
[Myrtle Avenue under "el."] Myrtle Avenue under "el." View from corner of Hall Street looking northeast. From left: Tony's is at #485 Myrtle Avenue. Then #487 Myrtle Avenue (Italian American Grocery - closed)/ Then #489... |
[North side of Fulton Street between Clermont Avenue and Adelphi Street.] North side of Fulton Street between Clermont Avenue and Adelphi Street. At right is Max's Meat Market, #855 Fulton St. Next to it (center) is L. Conners Antiques. At left is Alyce's Beauty Salon,... |