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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Mailboxes
6 results
[Lafayette National Bank.] Lafayette National Bank 100 Livingston Street. |
[Northwest corner of Seventh Street.] Northwest corner of Seventh Street (left) and Fifth Avenue. |
[U. S. Post Office, Red Hook Station.] U. S. Post Office, Red Hook Station, Brooklyn 31, N.Y. (on Clinton Street). |
[Corner of Marlborough Road and Caton Avenue.] Corner of Marlborough Road and Caton Avenue. # 1506 Caton Avenue and #1522 Caton Avenue A.I. Tomashow, M.D., at farther house. |
Lott House Lott House. 321 New Lots Rd. / 1672 / Dr. Ralph I. Lloyd [handwritten on verso]. |
Rainy Night [Park Slope] Night photograph of a street intersection and storefronts in the rain. On the corner is the M.K. Povlsen Apothecary at 439 Ninth Street in Park Slope, Brooklyn. There is a blurry person standing... |