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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Lutheran churches
[Bethlehem Lutheran Church, at corner of 4th Avenue and Ovington Avenue.] Bethlehem Lutheran Church, at corner of 4th Avenue and Ovington Avenue. Rev. Darrell Helmers, minister. |
[Northeast corner of 54th Street and 4th Avenue.] Northeast corner of 54th Street and 4th Avenue. Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Incarnation. Rev. Harold S. Miller, D.D., Pastor; Rev. Edward C. Gibbs, Asst. Pastor; Samuel Doherty, Sexton. |
[View of north side of Milton Street. ] View of north side of Milton Street. A portion of St. John's Lutheran Church at right. The second house to the left of the church is #149 Milton Street. North side of street - between Manhattan... |
[North side of Milton Street .] North side of Milton Street between Franklin Street and Manhattan Avenue. St. John's Lutheran Church at right-center. |
[View of north side of Milton Street.] View of north side of Milton Street between Manhattan Avenue and Franklin Street. |