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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Horse-drawn railroads
3 results
Fulton Ferry in Horse Car Days. Street view of the Fulton Ferry Landing in Downtown Brooklyn, including horse-drawn streetcars, several pedestrians, and the entrance to the Franklin House Billiard Parlor. Appears to be a... |
Junction of Flatbush Avenue and Fulton St[reet] View of the storefronts, horse-drawn streetcars, and railroad street tracks on cobblestoned Fulton Street. Includes several women pedestrians. Appears to be a copyprint taken by Lloyd ca. 1905. (... |
Fulton Street before the "L" came View along Fulton Street circa 1886; including horse drawn carriages and railcars, pedestrians, buildings, and storefronts. Appears to be a copyprint taken by Lloyd ca. 1905. (Fulton St. before... |