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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Grocery stores
[Central Suprette] View of the "Central Suprette, Inc." on a street corner. The Suprette is opened, though two of its metal shutters are drawn. The sign has three Coca Cola advertisments on it. A black and white dog... |
[View of Fulton Street.] View of Fulton Street between Ashland Place and Rockwell Place looking west. Cafe Copa Bananas at #659 Fulton Street. Lotus Inn Chow Mein at #655 Fulton Street. |
[Spanish American Grocery at 709 Fulton Street.] Spanish American Grocery at 709 Fulton Street between Street, Felix Street and Ft. Greene Place. |
[Corner of Willoughby Street.] Corner of Willoughby Street (left) and Duffield Street. Church in background is St. Boniface R.C. Church on Duffield Street. |
[Northwest corner of Hicks Street.] Northwest corner of Hicks Street (right) and Cranberry Street. |
[Northeast corner of Kings Highway and East Second Street.] Northeast corner of Kings Highway and East Second Street. Ex-Lax Mandelhorn [sic] Sportswear Leo Kornelo, grocery, 505 Kings Highway. A. Mandelkorn, sportswear, 503 Kings Highway. |
[Northeast corner of E. 3rd Street.] Northeast corner of E. 3rd Street (left) and Kings Highway. Rothman's Dairy & Grocery #525 Park. Bagel Co., Inc., 533 Kings Highway. H. Rothman Grocer, 525 Kings Highway. |
[Northeast corner of Kings Highway and E. 4th Street.] Northeast corner of Kings Highway and E. 4th Street. Leon's poultry & meat on corner. Monty's (#551 Kings HIghway) next to it - women's wear? |
[View of south side of Kings Highway.] View of south side of Kings Highway between E. 19th Street and Ocean Avenue, looking east Barricini Candy Shop,. 1912 Kings Highway. |
[North side of Kings Highway.] North side of Kings Highway. Northeast corner of Kings Highway and E. 15th Street at far right. |