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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Greenhouses

7 results


[Gardner in greenhouse]

[Inscribed on envelope by BHS: Gardener in shed] Shows the inside of a greenhouse.

[343 Twenty fourth Street.]

343 Twenty fourth Street-just to east of Weber & McLaughlin, florists.

[Portion of Weir's Greenhouse.]

Portion of Weir's Greenhouse at southwest corner of 25th Street and Fifth Avenue. {J. Ebb Weir & Co., Inc., 5th Avenue & 25th Street, per 1960 tel. dir.}.

[3127 Ft. Hamilton Parkway.]

3127 Ft. Hamilton Parkway. Frank Manker + Sons - Flowers.

[Greenhouse interior]

Mr. Brown's azaleas inside a greenhouse; Vanderbilt [written in pen on label on recto]; 27 [written in ink on label on recto]

Blizzard March 1888, Father's Greenhouse

Mr. Brown's snow-covered greenhouse, following the blizzard, March 1888, Flatbush; 30 [written in ink on label on recto]

[Greenhouse interior]

Interior view of Mr. Brown's greenhouse, showing hanging and potted plants; Mr. Brown's Stone House, Vanderbilt [written in pen on label on recto]; 19 [written in ink on label on recto]