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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Garbage
[Bushwick street scene] Bushwick street scene with a"no parking" sign in the foreground, in front of a row of cars. There are groups of pedestrians in the street and in the background is a row of townhouses and... |
[Small stone and brick building] A small stone and brick building that is likely connected to a larger building or church but this part is obscured by tree branches. The doorway of the small building is overflowing with trash and... |
[Street shot of intersection between Wilson Avenue and Linden Street] Shot of Wilson Avenue at Linden Street taken beyond a yard filled with grass, shrubbery, and some garbage. There are some cars and pedestrians along Wilson Avenue, as well as some storefronts,... |
[Damaged townhouses] Photo of damaged townhouses. A women is walking by, with her head turned toward the houses. A metal gate has been erected to guard the street level entrances, which have been boarded up with wood... |
[Recreational center] A concrete recreational center surrounded by a fence. A group of people sit and linger on or near benches and there are two children on swings in the background. A few pedestrians are walking by... |
[Garbage in the street] The large piles of garbage and debris in the street. In the background is a row of townhouses and storefronts and we can see a line of cars approaching. The photo is deteriorating and has a strong... |
[Damaged townhouses] View of damaged townhouses. Patches of the brick exterior are missing from one and many of the windows have been broken or are missing. There are large piles of debris outside the houses and a... |
[Damaged buildings] View of damaged and abandoned buildings next to an empty, fenced-in lot filled with debris. The buildings are missing doors and windows and seem to have fire-damage. They are covered in graffiti.... |
[Woman standing at an intersection] A woman standing at an intersection in Bushwick and shuttered stores, specifcally, Behil Shops. |